Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Here are some pictures from Sister Davidson:

 Sister (Lizzy) Matthews and me! (Old roommate!)

 Some of my district and me
 Elder Lee! (our cousin)
 Jessica Bloxham (remember her?? from Heartland Dad? Played basketball? Friends with Nicole Barton, Gavin Coburn) and me!
 my kasama and me
the sisters in my zone

These are probably the last pictures Marie will send from the USA! 
March 20, 2013
Family!!!!! I have so much to tell you! First off- I love you all!!! Thank you for your letters and YOUR PACKAGE!!! Mmm those Samoan cookies were delicious and my Samoan kasama and another Samoan sister loved them. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Okay so big news! I got my travel plans! Here goes.... :)
Monday March 25th: Delta Air Lines Leave SLC at 9:43pm
March 25th: Arrive in Los Angeles, CA 10:48pm
March 26th: Cathay Pacific Airways (never heard of this airline before) Leave LAX 1:05am
March 27th: Arrive Hong Kong, Hong Kong 7:40am
March 27th: Leave Hong Kong 9:05am
March 27th: Arrive Manila, Philippines 11:15am
Check it out eh?? Due to the time zone difference I haven't figured out how long of a flight it is. All I know is that I leave March 25th and get to Manila March 27th. From Manila we'll take ground transportation to Angeles. Check it out, I'm flying to Hong Kong! I'm so excited! And I have a feeling I am going to be SO tired. Hope I can sleep on the flight.
So, we are allowed to call home before we leave. Here's the situation with that. First, do you want me to call? Second, if I do call they've asked that we call from our 2nd flight rather than from SLC which means I would be calling from LAX which means that is like midnight.... Third, if you want me to call, which number do you want me to use? Fourth, if you do not respond to any of these questions I will assume I will not call becasue you all have work in the morning and I don't want to inconvenince you... Also, if you respond please do it via DearElder and the sooner the better as time is limited for how many more days I will recieve mail.  Also, I love you! Also it's Mom's birthday on the day I leave. Lucky me I get to give her one of the coolest presents ever! A flight with me to Hong Kong! Happy birthday Mom! So yes those are my travel plans. :) I'm stoked.
Okay something else cool. I SAW TYCE! Or I guess Elder Lee! We found each other, coordinated with each other, and got a picture which I wil send later. Then I have seen him a few times since. He leaves tomorrow so hopefully I can snag one more picture today. Maybe by the famous map. Thanks for the reminder Dad, I think my district is going to get a picture on Sunday in front of the big map. I can't believe I will leave for the Philippines in less than a week. It is crazy. Oh, and rumor has it that the mission home address has changed. So, the address I recieved in my packet is no longer correct. Saying that, I don't know what the new address is. I will let you know as soon as I find out.
For the newsletter Dad, I loved it! Some things I think you can add... More about Savanna, Ryan, and Darla. It sounded like you only mentioned them but didn't go into detail about what they did this past year. Also, Grandma and Grandpa Heywood, and Tim and Shana were also skyping with us when I opned my mission call. Also you didn't mention anything about your year teaching schol. Also pictures are always a great, great thing. Please add some! :)
Also remember how Tam and Bill had to split on the day of my farewell? Well the Elder that Bill went to (his nephew?) was at the MTC here with me! I meant to mention this a long time ago but kept forgetting. But we actually met on taht first Wednesday we were both here. We sat next to each other, started talking and found out that Tam was his aunt and my aunt. I feel like he was giong to St. Louis which means he is already gone. But we saw each other a few times that first week and always said hello.
Funny fact. I was reading my scriptures the other day and guess what I found. A Cleo hair. Man that dog shed. I think it was lodged into Mom's scriptures somehow. Wasn't it Lance that said 'you know your dog sheds when you have hair coming out of your toothpaste."? Ha ha well I found a Cleo hair here in the MTC.
Before I leave I can't think of anything dire that I need. Savanna I talked to Trina yesterday and I'm leaving a box of stuff with her on Monday. Would you be willing to pick it up please? It is going to have stuff in it that I don't need... i.e. my coats. Thanks in advance! Um, would you be willing to look up a talk titled "Love is NOt Blind" by Bruce C. Hafen? I can't look it up here becasue it was from a BYU speech and not General Conference or anything like that. If you could look that up, copy and paste it into a DearElder I would appreciate it. My teacher recommended it to us.
Um so ya. Guess what? Remember how when I get nervous talking in front of people I talk really fast. In case you didn't know that, just remember my farewell talk... So ya. Um... So. This Sunday. Well, every Sunday and Tuesday night we have a devotional. The devotionals are amazing. I always feel the Spirit, I always learn so so much and I always look forward to them. We've had some great speakers come. Elder Ballard for example! It was exciting. Then it was cool, you know the new MTC they're converting in Mexico from that school? Last week they broadcasted the devotional to the future MTC in Mexico to see if it was working. Everybody loves the devotionals.  A lot of people watch them and enjoy them. Saying that, I have had a humbling experience this week. I have been humbled so much at the MTC, I love it. And it's hard. Anyway, I've had a humbling experience. This Sunday, my district was asked to usher at the devotional. No big deal, actually kind of fun becasue we will get good seats and we just usher. But I am actually not going to have the opportunity to usher. Why? Because I have actually been asked to say the closing prayer on Sunday. Ya. I have been humbled. I think I'm making a bigger deal out of it than it actually is. Actually I know I"m making a bigger deal out of it. I keep reminding myself to think of it as, I am just saying a prayer like I say all prayers in public, and I am just going to be praying in behalf of all the people who have just listened to the devotional. I have an amazing opportunity to communicate with our Heavenly Father on Sunday night and express the gratitude of all for the wonderful devotional we just had. That's what I keep telling myself. I truly am grateful for this opportunity I have been given, and I pray that I might not speak too quickly and that I might open my mouth and pray what the Spirit wants me to pray. Yes I am making a bigger deal out of it than it is, forgive me. So ya, I'm excited. We don't know who is speaking this Sunday, but I know it will be good and I look forward to it.
Anyway, that is what is up here at the MTC for Sister Davidson. My life is good. The Lord blesses me so so much. I miss you and pray for each of you daily. Dad, thanks for your weekly letter. I hope all goes well with the jeep getting ready for the jeep safari! Also, I'm glad that you had a good birthday. Darla good work on his presents! It is obviously he loves them! I'm glad you were able to get together and that Tam made a delicious cake! Oh and Dad, with one of your new presents... really? A bright red UoU mailbox? ha ha oh brother. I'm glad that you like it. Savanna and Ryan, keep the BYU blue spirit at home as much as you can.
I love you all so much! Please respond to me about the call home. And if you have anything else you want to send, Saturday is probably the last day I will get mail as Monday everyone will be getting ready to leave. I love you all so much!!!
-Sister Davidson :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mugunda umaga pamilya po ako!
Good morning family! How are you? My apologies there are no pictures this week. I forgot to bring my camera to the computer.
Tyce is here in the MTC and I can't find him! I look for him every chance I can. Janelle sent me a DearElder with his mtc box number on it, so I wrote him a letter and because we're family they let me stick it in his box. I haven't heard back from him yet and he leaves next week! If you talk to Janelle tell him to tell his family when he eats, where he eats, what building his class is in, what building he lives in and tell him to look for me! Then if Janelle wants to DearElder me with that info I will search for him more! I want to see him sooo badly! I asked him all those questions in my letter to him and let him know where and when I eat so hopefully he is looking for me too!
This week was fantastic! So many good things happened! We had a great devotional on Tuesday from Elder Aidukaitis of the Seventy and he talked all about the kingdoms of heaven. He taught us and the Spirit confirmed that when we choose which kingdom we want to inheret than all the little decisions will be easier to make. He challenged us to write in our journals and be big and bold to ourselves and declare to ourselves which kingdom we want to inheret. I want to inheret the Celestial Kingdom! It is my decision and I can guide my life by this decision. I'm so excited!
This week check it out... we get our travel plans for the Philippines! We leave in 13ish days! Or at least we should. Mom's birthday is my departure date so we'll see if that is still correct. I'm so excited! Last week I was scared to leave the MTC and now I'm sooo pumped to get to the Philippines! I am so excited to go out and serve the people over there! I'm super nervous still, but I am soooo excited to go to the Philippines! I still have an incredible amount of things I need to learn, so I have to take advantage of all the time I have here in the Philippines. I'm stoked. I have heard of a few different travel plans to get to the Philippines and don't know which will be mine yet.
SL-NY-Tokeyo-Manila (kind of a weird one)
Cool right? I think we'll probabaly go through Taiwan then over to Manila. All these flights are between 14-23 hours... long right? But I'm soo excited! I will let you know what my travel plans are next week. Also I'm  not sure about calling from the airport. It all depends and again I will let you know. Also, I have a bunch of stuff I don't want to take to the Philippines. I overpacked for the MTC. Trina said I can leave a box in her office for Savanna to get... I'll talk to Trina and let you know next week or ask Trina to call Savanna.. Thanks in advance for picking it up!
Dad how was your birthday on Sunday!? How was your get together? I thought about you on Sunday and I thought about what you were probably doing. I figured some cake and ice cream with family and a normal day for the rest of the day? Maybe in your Priesthood lesson you had them sing happy birthday to you? ha ha just kidding. Did you have your birthday party at school? How did that go? Thank you so much for your DearElder Dad! Thanks for sending it yesterday. I LOVED reading it. Thank you thank you thank you! I really do love hearing from you! I and love that you tell me that you love hearing from me as well.
For Sacrament meeting they ask everybody to prepare a talk. They have a schedule of what the topic is and ask everyone to prepare a 5min talk. Then during the meeting they call Elders and Sisters from the audience to come upand give their talks. Guess who got called up to speak? This Sister! The topic was Faith in Jesus Christ and I was grateful for the opportunity to speak. I thought I had a pretty good talk, I felt pretty good about it. After my talk a few people came up to me and said they were grateful that I was greatful for "the suffering of my spouse" or something like that. Gives solid evidence how badly I need more help with my Tagalog. Like I said, I thought the talk was good (or at least in English it was good) but in Tagalog ha ha I probably made more than a few mistakes. Oh well. At least I learn right? It was a great experience though. And oh boy it was a suprise to get called on. One talk down, many more I'm sure to go. :)
Savanna I'm really curious how your echocardiogram goes! Please let me know? Jr. is always in my prayers and I can't wait to see this adorable little boy! Have you thought of any names? My vote for a name is still Severus. Ryan Severus Jr. Woodbury. Yep, that sounds fantastic. Is that how you spell Severus?
Oh I wanted to ask each of you what you remember from my Setting Apart. Speakers are always talking about how we should remember what was said during our being set apart, but what do you remember? Would you be willing to share with me?
Also I don't really need anything... I think. Sometimes I think I need stuff then I think to myself, nah I'm fine. Then I worry because I probably do need stuff. But oh well, I'll be fine. I can't really think of anything I need before I go.... Maybe one AA battery. THey sell them in 2s here and I don't need 2. But really I can buy 2 and give one away no big deal. Or I thought Nyquil, the liquid stuff. I brought some night tablet things but they and the liquid nasty tasting stuff do different things I feel like. But really they also sell that here so I don't actually need that. And... maybe a copy of Jesus the Christ? But again they sell that here so really I don't need anything. I just need to send stuff home. Thanks though! Oi! I thought of something! Jill sent me THIN MINTS and they were delicious! So Dad if your girl scout cookies have come to you and you feel like your daughter would want a box, feel free to send a box. :) She will be grateful . Also, as my kasama is from Samoa, I think she outhgt to try a Samoan Girl Scout cookie no? Ha ha just kidding. But really, if you want to send me some girl scout cookies we would be more than grateful. :) :) :) Fun fact, I made a Thin Mint analogy of sharing the gospel. I wrote to Jill about it so you'll have to ask her.
Wednesday we have been asked to host the new missionaries! That should be fun! We have a meeting about an hour before they get here. It will be fun showing them around and I can't believe that 4 weeks ago that was us. You were dropping me off and I was heading out on the mission. It is funny for me to remember that life goes on outsied of the MTC. For example, yesterday there was a truck dropping of stuff in one of the buildings and they had a T-Swift song playing. There were like 6 of us missionaries that when they opened the door to the truck and we heard the song we all turned our heads and were like "wait, what?" Ha ha it was really funny how we realized how isolated (right word?) we are from the world. I love it though! Love love love it!
I love love love each of YOU so much! Ry I heard you got into Kansas? Good work! Darla, I heard Dallon finished his bathroom? Good work Dallon. I love you soooo much and am so excited to talk to you either in the airport or in June! I love writing to you and LOVE when you write me! thank you thank you thank you!
I hope each of you have a fantastic week and I can't wait to write you again! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you!
I love you! Mahal po kayo!!
-Sister Davidson
p.s. the subject of this email "pananampalataya" means "faith" and I just think it is a really fun word to say so that's why it's the subject. Also faith is a great thing. May pananampalatay pamilya po ako.:) LOVE YOU!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Great inspriation from leaders

Tuesday night then was the devotional. It was a little different as... ELDER BALLARD WAS THE SPEAKER!!! SOOO neat right!? We all had a little idea of maybe something unusual was up. Before they let us in they made sure we had our nametags on, and they were diligently saying NO backpacks. Then on the slideshow where they usually have the speakers name, please be quiet, don't forget to do this, etc there was no slide for the speaker. There were also security guys at all the doors. The front row of people was all old people. Forgive me, all seniors and no young missionaries like usual. So there was talk about that maybe we would have a guest of honor aka a member of the 12 or First Presidency. When Elder Ballard walked in we were singing prelude songs and everyone stood up and continued to sing. The Spirit when he walked into the room was incredible. It was an instant testifyer that THAT was an Apostle of the Lord. It was so exciting! He gave such a great talk, the Spirit taught me a lot. Some of the things he talked about...
-We know a lot about the gospel and this message already, we can explain a lot
---by this he asked how many of us had gone to primary, ym/yw, sunday school, FHE, etc. we've grown up in the gospel most of us-we know it already
-PMG ch 3 was revised many times by the First Presidency and Q of 12 and is divine in the way that it teaches us how to teach clearly and simply
-We need to capture the vision of what it is we have, and share it with the world
---we don't need to be afraid, we need to capture the big picture, internalize it so we know it and when we know it we will not be afraid to share it, we will have confidence
-(My FAVORITE part of his talk...) is that I was sitting at the feet of an Apostle of the Lord and listened to his testimony and he gave all of us an Apostalic blessing
---He read from the scriptures from 3 Nephi 11 and the way he held his scriptures, the way he read those verses from the Book of Mormon, especially the words of Jesus Christ was an incredible testimony to me that he knows our Savior. He has a relationship with our Savior and I want to have that same relationship with my Savior.
-He taught that the sons and daughters of God need the message. the Lord is preparing this generation to take the gospel into the future
--kind of a big responsibility that the Lord has given us and has blessed us with which I am grateful for.
I loved listening to Elder Ballard. SO much. I'm so blessed he was able to come to speak with us. I'm grateful that the Spirit was able to speak and teach me those things which I needed to hear and learn. I''m especially grateful I had this opportunity to learn right after learning about Jr. What a comfort it was to me that the Lord knows us and He has confidence and trust in us to take care of His children. He'll take care of Jr, and of Savanna and Ryan. :)
Okay so next-Brant my cousin in AZ on his mission!? I was thinking about him and is his mission going to be affected by the new Gilbert Mission? Is that true info that I heard is there will be a new mission in Gilbert? Also to Tyce-I'm so excited to see him in a few weeks! I hope he is doing well. I know the few weeks before coming here were really hard and I know that is because Satan did not want me out here. Tell Tyce to keep pushing on, it is worth it to get here. I want him to be here sooo badly and can't wait to see him! What day does he come in? the 17th? Ohh tell Tyce to get out here and he will be blessed! :) :) :) The MTC is great!
Funny random story. The other day an Elder in my district farted and it stunk SO badly. it was the Tongan Elder in the district and holy cow it was BAD! My kasama and I NEEDED to leave the room and the smell just permiated ah man it was terrible. I'm thankful that that hardly ever happens because if it did I would need to invest in a face mask breather thing of some type.
Also funny thing. Ha ha so we cut my kasama's hair last night. About 3-4 inches, using scissors that belong in an elementary school pencil box. Yep. She wanted her hair cut and told us to do it so we did. The first girl just cut straight across. Then Dad thanks to you, I was able to take over and it looks a lot better because of the skills you allowed me to build while cutting your hair for so many years. No joke I'm impressed with how well we did! ha ha this morning there are a few places that need fixing but it won't be that bad. We just sat on the ground with the garbage can at her back and using those tiny scissors (it cramped up my fingers) we cut her hair and it looks great!
Also something I'm discovering. You become very similar to the people you are around.  For good or for bad. I mentioned it before, but I've picked up on some of the things my kasama does and I don't even think about what I"m doing until it comes out and I think to myself, wow that is my kasama right there. For example, my kasama always snaps her fingers ha ha whenever she forgets something or something like that, and I've started snapping my fingers. Or the way she talks, the phrases she says (rubbish instead of trash) I'm picking up on it. I remember Mom always telling us how grateful she was we had good friends and I always overlooked that. But she was right, I was incredibly blessed to have good friends so I picked up on their good habits. Oh ya, all the Pacific Islanders use their face to talk and I'm doing the same thing. The whole raise eyebrows thing. Yep I do it all the time and I'm not even in the Philippines yet. But the way you raise your eyebrows means different things at different times i'm finding out. I noticed in AZ Jared raised his eyebrows a lot, now I know why.
Sunday ngiht after the devotional (given by President Daines president of the provo Temple and SOOO GOOD!!!) we watched a talk given by Elder Bednar that he gave on Christmas day 2011 here at the MTC. Cool fact, I was going to work that Christmas day but decided against it and Elder Bednar after his talk went into the cafeteria and was talking to all my friends! Anway, he gave a talk that I really learned a lot from. The Spirit taught me a lot. The biggest thing I learned was I learned a mere fraction of the character of Christ. Christ turned out when the natural man would turn in. How incredible of a statement this was, and Elder Bednar repeated it over and over again and the Spirit touched me everytime I heard him say that. Christ turns out when I would turn in. That is one reason why Christ was great. Christ is perfect! He turns out when I would turn in. The mission is not about me. Elder Bednar gave the funny analagy that the natural man is like Cookie Monster. "I want cookie now!" Then he related how we can be like the cookie monster sometims..."i want baptism now! I want investigator now!" Ha ha it was really funny and really true. I need to get over myself. After this talk I started realizing how selfish I really am all the time. I think about myself WAY too much and I need to become more like Christ and turn out when the natural man wants to turn in. I need to be more like Christ and turn out when it is easier to turn in. I am so grateful for the Atonement and for Christ and His willingness to allow me to repent of my sins and to come unto Him again. I'm so grateful that He extends this invitation to all of us. He loves us so much. I can attempt to repay Him for what He has done for me by turning out with love and charity for those around me like He would turn out to them. I'm so grateful for the things the Spirit taught me on Sunday night and continues to teach me all the time!
I've hit the half way point. Everyone around me keeps counting down the days to when we leave. I'll be honest I like the MTC and it is my new comfort zone. I'm afraid to leave for the Philippines. I'm scared because I feel unprepared! As I continue to learn SO much I realize more and more how much I don't know and how much I want to know. I know that I'll get there though, I don't ever think I'll feel fully prepared however I have faith that I will be adequate for what the Lord needs me to do in the Philippines, and I"m excited for that. I'm excited to get out and serve people. I'm excited to try to stop being the cookie monster and say to myself  "I want more knowledge, more preparation now!" instead I want to turn out with what the Lord has taught me and try to serve those around me, serve the people in the Philippines.
My time is up and I didn't even say all I wanted to say. But I love you all so much! I'm grateful to be here. I'm grateful that I'm a missionary for my Heavenly Father. I know we all can be missionaries in everything that we do!
Thanks again for your letters and I apologize I didn't get to respond to everything that I wanted to! PLEASE continue to tell me all about your lives! Dad I hope the Jeep Safari goes well! Darla I love getting your little messages nearly every morning, thank you so much for making me feel loved. Savanna thanks for your example of faith and I wish I could talk to you all the time. Our classrrom got switched so now we're in the nice building (we have a whiteboard and fancy carpet and 3 stalls in the bathroom!) and our window looks out over Wyview and the Student Health center and it makes me think of you all the time. Ryan good luck choosin which grad school to attend. I guess that's a bummer for being so great and having so many different great schools want you-you have to decide eh? and good luck with Jr.!
Mahal po kayo pamilia!!!
Cordially, Sister Davidson :)