Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I'm in the freakin Phillippines! WHAT?????

Okay family I just LOVE YOU!! Ha ha ha thank you for your emails! Man I love you so much and I laugh out loud and then people around me laugh at me laughing. Ah I love you and thank you for your emails!!!

Okay lots to say and little time to say it. First off. I LOVE the Philippines! Can you believe I am here in the Philippines?? Serving a mission for our Heavenly Father, inviting all the Filipino people we meet to come to church, to come to Christ?? Man I am so blessed-this is the best type of work EVER! LOVE IT!

I have a lot of pictures that speak louder than words so I hope you love the pictures. :) But first, okay our Heavenly Father is sooo kind to me, sooo kind to all of us! He truly blesses me everyday and I am so in debt for all He does for me. Also our Savior Jesus Christ. Without Him.... man I don't even know what to say or think! Our Savior is so kind. He is so loving. He loves us so much. Through His Infinite Atonement we can be forgiven of our sins. We can have power to do good things. We can have the chance to return to live with our Heavenly Father. Wow I seriously cannot think of what my life would be like without our Savior's help in everything that I do. He is there for each of us, we just have to make the choice to turn to Him for help. Ha ha sometimes I know I'm super stubborn and think "ah I'll be fine. I can do it myself" or like that, but how wrong I am. I cannot do anything without Christ's help! Through Him, through His Atonement, I can do all things; which I am so grateful for.

 FHE last Monday. We had a great lesson on prayer and when we have problems we don't know how to solve it is simple-ask our Heavenly Father! Then we played some fun games, when you mess up-you get baby powder thrown on your face. thus the baby powder on our faces. Ha ha the games are so fun, so simple, and hilarious!

 the way you get a mango from the tree and then eat it! this is one of our ward missionaries and he is pro at getting mangos from the tree and then catching them with his hand!

 Naturally I had to try. They laughed and laughed at me trying.

And then they laughed some more when my tongue was sticking out. What can I say? I'm a Davidson.

we had zone training this week which was great. They treated us to ice cream afterwards! My first ice cream in the Philippines. However... no cows really here in the Philippines... meaning not really any milk. I haven't drinken any milk actually. Saying that. Imagine ice cream... with no milk. There is milk in it... I was told. Doesn't taste like it. It tasted like frozen flavored water with texture. still masarup!

 This little family is adorable. They are less active and we want them to come to church so badly not only because church is where we need to be, but there can be so much support from the members! And on the other hand... it is hard to go to church when nobody extends a hand of invitation. Take note-if you see someone you don't know at church, or siting alone, or looking like they feel out of place-go say hello!!! Anyway, they are adorable and we want them to come to church!

 Check it out. That is a fish. That was once alive. Now dead. now in my stomach. yes I ATE that fish! ALL of it! Okay that's a lie, I was too chicken to eat the head and my kabahay (roommate) wanted to eat it so I let her. 

Okay remember my other fish picture? When the Johanson's took me fishing and I actually caught one and had to hold it for a picture? Ya does this picture remind you of thatat all? Ha ha I was nervous.

 Check it out! I'm enjoying the fish! It was actually delicious! So many bones! And so masarup! Wow I was amazed how delicious it was. My American kabahay said she never liked fish before her mission and she says it is because the fish here is actually fresh. Makes sense as Utah is not next to an ocean. but ya. I enjoyed the fish. also fun fact. I like to eat tomatoes now. i started eating them at the beginning b/c they wer familiar to me and i didn't like what else was on my plate so i ate them as a distraction to the other nasty looking food. 
The evidence! okay I'm probably sending way to many pictures. sorry! it is easier to remember the stories when I see pictures.

A part member family we are teaching. They are so kind and we pray they will all come to church!

 My kabahay sister Stone! We keep the BYU spirit in our apt. She was on the swim team!

The Philippines is beautiful! Okay this morning we went on a P-Day activity as it was the last P-Day before Transfers this week. SOOOO beautiful! 

NBD. just a carriboue in the middle of the street in the back of a van. On this day I went on my first exchanges as part of the training program. I learned so much from the other kasama. Sister Bernarte is her name, also Filipino from Bacalod. She is so kind and I learned a lot. We went to my area, and i didn't get us lost! I was so happy! Also... sooo grateful for the guidance of the Spirit. :)


 I love the Philippines! Also i feel realy awkward in pictures by myself but my kasama insists. Also I remember Mom always saying how she hated pictures with nobody in it. So that's for you Mom! Also for my kasama.

 So the place we went to was called Echo Park, a kind of Monastary. There are a lot of churches there and this statue of Christ is like the Christus. Missino rules:don't take pictures of sacred objects. We asked, and we had permission don't worry. It is so big! And sooo beautiful!
sooo beautful!

Again me feeling weird being alone in the picture. But soo pretty right?? This was a place where they were swimming and paddleboarding-kind of :) 

My kasama is fantastic!

Okay this kid is adorable. he is the son of one of our investigators! Her name is Grace. We hope and pray she will be baptized!!! She has a Baptismal goal date of June 15th and we hope she will continue to increase her testimony and continue to ACT on what she learns. Okay but funny story with this adorable kid. He is sooo cute. And he is into EVERUYTHING!! Ha ha think of Kela energy, and then beyond. he is so cute when he speaks and laughs and smiles in Tagalog. Ah man he is adorable. It was such a tender mercy from the Lord for me this week when at church he would just walk over to me, say something funny, play with my bag, get into everything, laugh some more, then walk away, then come back 2 minutes later and do the same thing. He is into everything but you can't help but smile and laugh with him becasue he is so darn cute!

Okay literally I have zero time left meaing i'm sorry i can't email any of you back! know that i love you! and next week moer time for email b/c we won't have the zone activity.

mahal kita!!

-Sister Davidson

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