Monday, December 30, 2013

December 16, 2013


Thank you for your emails! I LOVE reading how you're doing and I always soak up every word. Ha ha even if you feel like your lives are boring, I love reading about it. And I am PUMPED to hang out with you on Christmas! Even though it's probably going to be late in the evening for you.. sorry! So I think I've figured it all out for hanging out! I'll skype you around 8am here on the 26th.. which means it will be Christmas evening/night for you. sorry I can't do it earlier, the computer shops don't open until later in the morning. Speaking of which... computer shops... it's always iffy if the internet is working smoothly or not. So include in your prayers that the internet shop will be fine and there won't be lots of kids running around and the connection will work, the camera works, the microphone works, the headphones work, etc. Like seriously, keep that in your prayers. And I would skype you Christmas morning your time, but again, the computer shops aren't open that time of day for you.. sorry! 

This week was fantastic as ever! I LOVE being a missionary! LOVE it! 

This week Sister Tupua got Stye in her eye so I had another experience about not working for the whole day. But it was okay. I always get a lot of reading in during those days when she's sick and asleep in bed. I continued reading in Jesus The Christ. My testimony of our Savior has increased so incredibly much. Wow. I feel like I mentioned all this last week, but it's true. Words cannot describe how I feel for my Savior. He really is everything. I love that it's Christmas season and everybody is remembering Christ, and the true meaning of Christmas. Everything is better and everybody is happier during Christmas because everybody starts to turn out and think of others before themselves. We remember Christ and therefore we are kinder to one another. We are more patient with one another. We serve one another. I love Christ and the power that comes when we try to be more like Him. Wow, I just love our Savior and I am in incredible debt to Him and all He has done for me.

I love being a missionary for many reasons. One reason is that I myself am changing into what I hope the Lord wants me to be. I teach the gospel everyday, I teach the commandments that the Lord asks us to follow, I extend the blessings promised by the Lord to those around me all day every day. When you're doing this 24/7 you can't help but do a  self-evaluation. Are you practicing what you're preaching? For example; if we teach about the charity. I teach all about it, what I've read about it, what I've been taught about it. But when it comes to down to it, am I being charitable to those around me? Am I living the Christ-like attribute of charity? I've found that we can only teach those around us with as much power and conviction as that which we ourselves are striving to become. If I'm teaching about charity, but not living it, there will be no power behind my words. It's a humbling experience for me to really self-evaluate myself and see how I'm doing. See if I'm living and striving to become all the the Lord asks me to be so that I might teach and the power of the Holy Ghost will bear testimony to the words I am saying. People always mention, "oh I'm so glad for the opportunity I have to teach Relief Society/ Sunday School/ give a talk in Sacrament, etc b/c I think I learned more for myself." or something like that. It's true. When we are asked to teach something, we also must practice what we preach in order to have convincing power to our words. 

I'm grateful for the humbling experiences the Lord gives me everyday. Wow He is so incredibly loving and kind. I know that He loves each one of His children. I know He asks us to do things that will only bring us closer to Him, things that will only make us happier. I know it's the little things that make the big difference. It's the little things like family prayer everyday, family scripture study everyday, going to all 3 hours of church each week, reading from the Book of Mormon everyday, and actually communicating with Heavenly Father everyday-those daily things... make all the difference in the world. 

I sure do love you all! I hope you're doing well and I hope you're doing the little things to make the big differences in your lives! 

-Sister Davidson :)


 Nanay Wy taught us how to make Ginataan!!! Sooo delicious! So delicious. I'll make it for us one day. don't worry. 

 Nanay Pingol cooking up a storm for us for our Ginataan!

 I'm a fantastic taste-tester. Always have been, always will be. I remember wanting to be a professional taste tester when I grew up. then Savanna so lovingly destroyed my dream by telling me that I'd have to probably eat a bunch of tomatoes... my dream job changed instantly. Except now I love tomatoes so maybe I'll look into that again! ha ha jokes. 


 Some people working in the rice fields! I LOVE my area. I LOVE the Philippines!

 Yep this place is beautiful!!!

 Outside our house

so pretty!! this was all on the day Sister Tupua was sick so I took a bunch of pictures. 

Like seriously, where am I? I love this place

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