Friday, June 7, 2013

The Lord Answers Prayers June 3, 2013


Thank you so much for your letters!! I loved loved loved them, thank you so much! I love hearing every little thing you are doing, no joke I soak it all in ha ha. Also Grandma Heywood sent some pictures from the Condo-Savanna you're the cutest pregnant person ever! I'm shocked at how big you tummy is! Ha ha I'm sups excited to see you via Skype soon! Also HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DAD AND DARLA!!!! Wow one year flew by! So many things have happened to us in just one year, crazy! I'm so glad you're part of our family Darla! Happy anniversary to you! 

This week was great. We have this one investigator, Sister Jacquiline, who is progressing so great. We are only able to visit her once a week because she lives so far away but our visits with her are fantastic. Okay so background on her. She is super religious. We met her at church where she came with a member (MEMBER MISSIONARIES ARE SOOO CRITICAL AND MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE!!! - this is a subtle hint to help the missionaries and their work as much as you can:) Okay so we met her at church, then she gave us her address and we went and visited her. She is super religious. She has been a member of many churches, and has been searching for the right one. She has an incredible faith in God and her testimony of God answering prayers is awesome. So anyway, this last week we were teaching her, and we prepared to give her a BGD. The lesson was great, and we were inviting her to be baptized if she knew for herself what we were saying was true, if she knew the church was true. She accepted to be baptized! As we were opening our mouths to give her the goal date of June 29, in the exact moment some people came to the door, entered the lesson, and the moment was gone. We were happy to teach the other people as well but were so sad that at the exact moment for her BGD was interrupted. It was evidence to us that Satan is real. But oh well, the Lord works in mysterious ways and is more powerful than Satan. So then Sunday, she came to church! After Sacrament, with tears in her eyes she said to us, "when can I be baptized?" Ohhh yaaa!! We are stoked! So so so stoked! Now we pray she will continue in building her testimony that this is the only true church on earth today, Joseph Smith was the instrument for the Restoration, and the Book of Mormon is the most true book ever. But ya, we are so excited! 

We went on splits yesterday with our ward missionaries and it was great. We've been on splits before but I've always been paired up with someone with more missionary experience than me, so I've been able to rely on them. But then yesterday I was paired up with 2 ward missionaries who both haven't been on missions, meaning I didn't have anyone to turn to if I got stuck in the middle of my teaching. oh man I was scared. Ha ha I prayed pretty hard. Our first lesson was good. The beginning was so frustrating for me b/c of the language barrier, but then i prayed and ah man the Lord answers prayers. With the guidance of the Spirit it turned out to be a great lesson and check it out-they actually understood me! I was thrilled! then for the rest of our lessons the day they were all fantastic and I felt so good and so incredibly thankful for the tender mercies of our Heavenly Father. Now I need to remain humble so that I can continue to learn and remember what I've learned. Ha ha I've learned that once I get a little overconfident, I am quickly reminded how dependent I am on the Lord. Which is good, ha ha but it would probably be better to just stay humble always and remember that it is never me but rather always the Lord. :)

Okay for pictures as I forget what I do without documentation. :)

We had a Zone CSP cleaning the ground of a school. It made me appreciate lawn mowers. What took us 3 hours would have taken one riding lawn mower maybe 1 hour ha ha. 

We had a District CSP (we have been having so many CSP's lately it is great, and sometimes so time consuming but oh well it's fun. ) Okay but this CSP was over in a different area cleaning a school to get ready. Today was actually the first day of school for everybody. It made me laugh cleaning the school b/c we were cleaning the school to start and you are just ending. And b/c I told you I would take pictures of the schools here you go. :) This is a room for special reading help.

Cute eh? Just another room for special reading help. 

The outside of the school hallway. I could be wrong, but it seems like every building is for the same grade.

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