Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 21, 2013


Thank you so much for your emails! I LOVE them!! Thanks for letting me know how you're all doing! No problems here with the earthquake and we pray for those who have been affected. 

Boom this week was awesome! Every week is awesome. I love this area and these people, and just I love everything! 

So being a missionary automatically tags you as someone you can go to last minute and it will happen. Which is great haha and it teaches me to qualify myself so I can rely on the Spirit for those MANY times that this happens. This past week I was asked to teach the lesson in our District Meeting about receiving revelation through prayer. It was a great lesson for me to teach as I learned probably more than the other missionaries. I realized that my prayers are always so fast. I'm great at asking for blessings, giving thanks, etc but I forget  to listen to what the Lord wants to tell me. We've all heard this example before but this week it set in for me. When we're ordering food or what not, we call and order our food and we don't just hang up. We communicate with the person on the phone. It's just as important for the person on the other side of the line to communicate with us as it is us with them. Or for example, if you were to call your best friend, and just tell him/her everything that's going on in your life-the great things, sad, frustrating, struggles, etc-he/she would listen to you. And then how would he/she feel if after all her listening to you you just hang up on her? If you did that to me, I'd be sad! I'd want to try to give you advice, or just let you know that I'm here for you! I learned that that is similar to our prayers. I am always just praying, saying amen, and then moving on to the next thing we're rushing off to do. I forget to take the time to listen. I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity the Lord gave me to learn from this lesson I taught. My prayers are more like a 2 way communication now than a 1-way. I'm incredibly grateful also for the patience of the Lord with me. Ah man I have so many weaknesses yet He continues to bless me. What a loving Heavenly Father we have! Needless to say if that's all I taught on my mission was to tell people that Heavenly Father is aware of them, and they are important to Him- I would be satisfied. We are so blessed! Ha ha it's more than amazing.

Hey by the way... how's your missionary experiences going? Remember what I want for Christmas? Elder Ballard's challenge? Ya I'll be checking up on that. :)

So Pictures! Ha ha i have a lot this week! Good thing pictures remind me of what actually happened!

1. We had an FHE at the Luzano family! They are less active but they came to general conference which was awesome! In this picture our punishment was singing Rodulf the Red Nosed Raindeer. As you can see, they were great back-up singers to my fantastic solo they had me sing. (hope you can hear my sarcasm in that last sentence.) ha ha they're awesome.

2. Ah this was awesome! The Elders in our district had a wedding and a baptism they invited us to! IT was sooo great! So exciting to see this cute cute couple get married, and then immediately baptized after! So happy!!!!!

3. They got baptized!! SOOO adorable!!!! I love the pictures like these!!!!!

4. This is a couple we talked to and then taught. They aren't actually very interested, but hopefully they'll let us continue to teach them! They were just an adorable old couple that they're happiness together made me so happy I just wanted to take a picture. 

5. Camiling Zone!!!!!!!!! Love these missionaries. 

1. so they're entirely repainting our house and it is awesome. Wow it looks SO good! The Filipinos are SO skilled with their hands. These guys use absolutely no tape, and the lines are perfectly straight, it looks awesome. Like no joke. Sister Thomas and I were worried when we weren't seeing any tape but like are you kidding me? These guys truly are sooo skillful! And they're incredibly fast! They'll have our entire house painted in less than one week. And it looks professional.

2. they're great. This brother didn't want to look at the camera because he wanted to be "in action" ha ha it was funny. 

3. While waiting for our lesson to start I gave Sister Merwal a short ride on their bike ha ha it was great. 

4. This is Sister Hanah Mae and Brother Diaz. I asked you to pray for Sister Hanah Mae last week. She's investigating Iglesia and LDS. She was sick so didn't come to church yesterday... :( Please continue to pray for her!!! She needs all the help she can get. 

5. This is Brother Genaro and his friend out playing on their bike in the rain. Ha ha it's fun to watch kids play in the rain

We had a mini fhe for a this child's birthday. And the food in the bag is SOooo delicious! I'll make it for us one day... SO good.

2. We had a great time! It was a great birthday party!

3. We had a CSP at the home of the Cupa family! We just cleaned outside as their landlords are coming soon so it needs to be clean. The Cupa family is awesome! They're our investigators and are progressing! But not coming to church.... which means they're only progressing a little. It's okay though-small steps. Everything in life happens sometimes slower than we want. Anyway, the Cupa family is great.

4. And then I tried juggling with these Suhaw but they are ginormous (and amazingly delicious) so it didn't work out. Also I don't know how to juggle so ya.

5. I taught Sister Merwal how to make a Smore! She loved it! It was aweomse! 

6. "gannito ba?" "Like this?" Ha ha success!! everyone loves smores. 

 1. So Brother John King (15 years old) uses this technique when he works as all Filipinos use so that the sun and dust doesn't get in their faces. Ha ha you can never tell who's under a mask.

2. But look! It's Brother John King!

3. Sister Banaga and Aiza! The little girl is not a member and the mom is a less active member. They're super cute and fun!
4. The Del Rosario family! I feel like I've told you about them before. They're recent converts and amazing! They walk to church every Sunday morning about 3K maybe from the church. They are a dedicated family. They can't afford to take a trike ride there and back so they just walk in the morning and then in the afternoon they pay the trike. They are an inspiring family. 

 1. Okay the ward missionaries from Tarlac came to church here in Camiling! They completely suprised me!!! They came to tell me that Brother Joey got his mission call to the Daavao mission and Sister Monica got her mission call to the Ilongo mission! ahh man I was sooo suprised! It was so fun seeing them again even for a short time and I felt so loved they came all the way just to tell me the good news! Ahhh man I LOVE these people!!!!


3. These kids are adorable. Brother Clark, Sister Sara, Brother Eugene, Sister Merwal, and Sister Missy. We teach them little lessons once a week and they love the gospel. We're also working REALLY hard to try to teach their parents with them... with time. 

Okay that's it folks! LIke I said... lots of pictures ha ha. Hope you're all doing well! Know that i LOVE you all and miss you! Make sure you're reading the BOM EVERY day, saying your prayers daily, and going to all 3 hours of church each Sunday as well as fulfilling your calling to the fullest! Mahal ko kayo!!! love you!

-Sister Davidson :) 

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