Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 11, 2013


Thank you so much for you letters! Ah man this week has taught me how incredibly, incredibly blessed I am in so many ways. 

Okay so the storm... Wow we are so blessed. PLEASE keep those people affected by the storm in your prayers. We are totally fine here. The storm we had a month ago was worse for us here than the one this past week. So really we are fine here. Friday night we were at a teaching appointment and got a couple texts from our leaders about the storm, school had been released early that day so we knew it was coming, the news was everywhere so we knew it was coming. Friday night the winds started picking up so we felt like we needed to go home so we did, we filled up every possible water jug we could find with filtered water, and went about our normal activities. No worries. All night it was just windy and a little rain but the next day was normal. We never lost power and we had water also. So we seriously were so fine here. 

Hearing about the damage from the storm breaks my heart! So many people have been affected. The Philippines is all pretty close. From where we are at now, to Tacloban is about a 2 hour plane ride. Not very far. There are so many people who have families in those regions who have yet been able to communicate with their families to see how they're doing. Sister Naldoza's family is in Bicol and she was able to text them to make sure they're all right and they are. Her family said they witnessed a miracle as the winds were all about the area they are in, but inside their house it was as if the winds passed by. They were totally safe and the promise in D&C 100:1 is true-our families are being taken care of. Such a relief. I was so worried with her on Friday night before she was able to text her family. Watching her worry made my heart break. We saw some news coverage of the damage from the storm and the area that was on the news is close to her area. As if watching her own area on TV. Seriously, it was so scary not knowing if her family was alright or not. But the Lord is true to His promise-her family is fine. Ah such a relief. 

How incredibly grateful I am for the Plan of Salvation. This storm is affecting so many lives in so many ways. The Plan of Salvation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, brings peace to our lives when tragedies like this happen. I pray I can help bring that knowledge of peace that comes from the Savior to some of these people who are worried. I seriously, I don't quite know how to describe the feelings that I'm feeling with all that has happened with this storm. But I do know that everything is in the Lord's hands. I do know that everything happens for a reason. I do know that God has a perfect plan for each of us, and it's up to us to trust in His plan and find peace that comes through our Savior Jesus Christ. 

I love you all so much. Thank you for your love and support to me always. Please continue to pray for those affected by the storm. 

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)

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