Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014


Thank you so much for your emails to me! Sounds like you're all good and alive! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!! Hope all the Mother's in the World had a GREAT day and hope they feel appreciated! Thanks to all the motherly figures in my life! Love you!

This week was awesome. This week I was able to go on exchanges into my first area, in Tarlac Ward 3! It was a sweet blessing to see those people who I love so much again and to see their progression. This week I learned a lot about how Nephi felt and then how Alma the Younger felt. In 2 Nephi 33 Nephi describes how sad he was, how he cried and prayed for his people all night long because of their unbelief. When I went to some of the recent converts and less actives who had once been active in church and now have wondered from the straight and narrow path, I was amazed at how truly sad I was. I love these people so much, and because of that love I truly was praying for them and I was sad about the decisions they are making in their lives. It was easy to see how they had something missing in their lives.I was also able to experience as Alma the Younger. When he saw his brethren who were still strong in the gospel he rejoiced exceedingly. This is also how I felt! When I saw those recent converts and those less actives that were returning, oh my goodness the joy was so sweet. It was amazing at the polar opposites of the feelings and how strong each were.

I've learned a lot about the power of love while here in the mission. When we love those around us, for who they really are, it is amazing the work and the service we will do in their benefit to help them be happy. There is power in love. Love for others, charity, is a driving force that gives power to do all things. When remembering Christ, He did everything He did out of love first for His Heavenly Father, and then out of love for us, His brothers and sisters. When we go through life just living day to day, I've discovered there is something lacking. When we go through life, living and loving all those around us, all of life seems to change. When we remember that those around us are coming from the same Father, coming from the Pre-Earth life, just like we are-it is easier and a joy to love them for who they are, as a child of God, as a sibling in the family of God. Ah man I love these people around me. They are so kind, their potential in life is so great. And I have the great priviledge everyday of helping others come to Christ, helping them reach their true potential. I love serving the Lord. It's the best.

Don't forget that I also love each of you SOOO much! Thank you for your love and your support and prayers for me, also for those we are teaching. When you don't yet somebody around you, pray that you might love him or her like Christ loves him or her. Christ's love never fails, Christ never fails. It's amazing.

Mahal ko kayo!!! Happy Mothers Day!!!

-Sister Davidson :)


1. Going on exchanges with Sister Lao!! Born in the Philippines, but migrated with her family to PA and then to Texas! She's great and her sweetness reminds me of Dottie!

2. Sister Rochelle! Our faithful ward missionary who works with us multiple times a week and is a stud and a hard worker! Love her!

3. Ha ha I saw this inside the house of one of our recent converts, immediately thought of Dad, laughed, and then took a picture. :)

4. Brother Bonificio, a recent convert, who is amazing! their kids are so cute and their conversion story, especially his, is really touching

5. Seeing my deJesus family again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ko sila!!!! AND they need your prayers. Thanks.

Ha ha this picture describes these personalities so well. Ah man these people truly are like my family here. love them!

2. Sister Ryeli, Sister Kristina, Sister Jennica, and then Sister Salem! Sister Ryeli is expecting! I'm thinking of telling them to name their child after me since Lincoln was born a boy so therefore he couldn't be named my name. 

3. The little kids here are adorable! and they are getting so big! 

4. Sister Jennifer Sy,baby Matt Matt, and Sister Tin Tin!! Wow baby MattMatt has gotten so big since the time I last saw him! 

5. Sister Corazon Sy, and Brother Bryan, and their family! Brother Bryan oh my goodness, he was looked like he was 10 when I left and now he looks 14! 

 1. Sister Diane Clariz, and her husband Brother Jerry, and their 3 kids! When I left Sister Clariz was still pregnant with the baby and now he's 6 months old! Sister Dianne is now preparing to go to the temple!

2. Sister Felicity!! She was the adorable 9 year old who taught me how to say nose, eyes, ears, mouth, etc in Tagalog and now we were able to have a conversation more than just the parts of the body ha ha! What a blessing! 

3. And the Haili family! They are planning on going to the temple this next month to be sealed! when we first started teaching them, they just had the idea starting of wanting to be an eternal family, and now they are attending temple prep, are getting ready for their interview, and are so close to making it a reality that they will be sealed together forever!

4. Brother Paulo, an amazing recent convert with a strong testimony, and his uncle who we are now teaching! Brother Nestor is very interested and is impressed with the change he's seen in Paulo! Please keep Brother Nestor in your prayer that he will overcome his Word of Wisdom addictions.

5. We went to a FHE last night and the Gabrielle family had prepared a special musical number for us complete with the guitar. It was awesome and reminded me of Dad preforming for us. Love it!

That's all folks!

Sure do love you! I sure do love our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that when we do what we need to do in order to allign our wills with His, our lives will be changed. We will become as Him. Our lives will no longer become our own, but we will turn our lives over to Him and the happiness is indescribeable. 

Mahal ko kayo!

Happy Mother's Day!

-Sister Davidson :)

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