Monday, June 2, 2014

June 1, 2014


Thank you for all your emails, your love, support,and your prayers! It sounds like you are all doing well, loving life, staying busy, and staying actively happy! Good to hear! I'm excited for Father's Day! 

This week was incredible. As every week, as every day is. This week I learned a lot about the promise of the Lord when He says "Whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him." (Mormon 9:21) I testify that is truth. There are so many things that we want at times. Some things are of little importance,and there are others that are of great importance. I am continually learning that when those things that we want are for the benefit of others, when those things are the things that the Lord Himself wants to happen, if we ask in faith doubting nothing-He will give it to us. I know that the Lord cannot lie, He never has, He never will. When He promises us that if we believe in Him, we exercise our faith, He will give us what we desire if it be His will. It is then up to us to make sure we are aligned with His will so that which we are asking for are not for selfish desires, but are things which He wants to give us. 

I'm learning a lot as well about how things that we are asking for from the Lord are not going to come without a cost. We must pray with all we've got, and then we must do everything in our power to make what we want to happen, actually happen. President Harold B. Lee said: "It is not enough to say I will do my best, but rather I will do everything which is within my power and I will do all that is necessary." When the Lord has called us to do something, or when He asks us to do something through one of His leaders, He will provide the way for that thing to happen-IF we will exercise our faith, and then do everything within our power and do everything necessary for that thing to happen. It is certain that we will come across challenges. That is the pattern of the Lord for us to grow and strengthen our faith. Just like Moses had the Red Sea in front of him, we will also have our different Red Seas. The Lord had given Moses an assignment, and with that assignment, He also gave the way for it to happen. When Moses finally was able to take the people of Israel away from Egypt, he got to the Red Sea. He didn't give up, he didn't lose faith or the vision of what the Lord would have him do. When he saw what was in front of him, He knew the Lord didn't take them there all the way for nothing. He used his faith, and he parted the Red Sea and they walked on dry ground. When we have a stumbling block in front of us, if we are on the errand of the Lord, He will give us a way through. If we will exercise our faith in Him, if we do all that is necessary, He will show us how to part our own Red Seas and then we will walk on dry ground. I love the scripture in D&C 123:17, "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." I know that when we do everything in our own power, when we are on the errand for the Lord, we can then stand still and see the power of God. 

I hope you are all doing well and loving life. I hope you are looking for the tender mercies and the miracles Heavenly Father blesses us with everyday. When we look around us, and appreciate more fully His hand in all things-everything is a little brighter and a little happier. I love you. I know that He loves you. I know that Christ lives and He is always with us if we seek Him.

Mahal ko kayo!!

P.S. Please continue to pray for Brother Lorenzo! He is going back and forth with what he wants to do with his life and what will give him happy satisfaction and joy. Your prayers are working, we are seeing progress, and yet we need your prayers still. Thanks, you're the best. :)

-Sister Davidson :)


1. Rainy season is starting to start!! Except they say it is going to be a long summer. I love the rainy season and can't wait for it to fully start :)

2. We had FHE with the Boroggo family!!! And if you notice the candle in the background it's b/c it was a brown out so there were no lights so we were playing games by flashlight and by candlelight-the best way!! Good thing my camera has a great flash! 

3. Attempting to take a picture of the dark ha ha 

4. LOVE this family! They were baptized last year which I was able to witness, I was able to teach them before they were baptized, right after they were baptized, and now we are in the same ward! 

5. Working with Sister Lawrence and going sand-bag hopping so that we don't walk in all the rain water! 

 Sister Training Leaders at MLC/DLC!! I LOVE these Sisters!!!

2. Sister Tui'one!!! Still love her sooo much!!!!!  

3. For President Martino's birthday we gave him a "heart attack" ha ha those good things you do when you are in primary never grow old. I remember giving one Bishop a "heart attack" when we were back in the Stake Center... don't remember who was Bishop.... sorry. But those Primary Leaders were the best!

4. All the kids and youth playing out in the rain! 

5. The Relief Society had a be-lated Mother's Day treat and we were able to serve the food so to show our appreciation to the wonderful Sisters' in our ward! They planned and carried out a great activity for the Relief Society Sisters!!! The decorations were adorable so Sister Bongolto and I had fun. 

And then we used our magic to get everybody together for a group picture :) LOVE these Sisters!!!! 

2. And then getting all the sisters to make a wacky faces 

3. And then we had lunch again at the deJesus' canteen mmm delicious. Also si Danrey had his nails painted by his great cousin ha ha he was not shy to show off his nails. 

That's all folks! Sure do love you! I love hearing from you and seeing pictures of how you'er all doing! Hope you're remembering to stay close to the Savior through all that you are doing. Remember that when Red Seas come up-with your faith and then with the power of the Lord-you can get through them and walk on dry ground. 

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)

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