Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 11, 2013


Thank you for your emails! I love hearing how you are doing and what is going on in your lives! Crazy school is about to start and Lake Powell is going down?! What the!? I'm excited for you! 

This week was AMAZING! So many great things happened it's crazy that it all happened in one week long! 

To start out the week it was great ha ha also stressful. I tried this crazy thing that turned out to be amazing and I suggest it to everyone. I prayed that Heavenly Father would give me trials. Funny how when you pray for something He gives it to you eh? Anyway, I prayed for trials and they came. Ha ha it was a humbling experience and I really grew and came closer to my Heavenly Father. Anytime there was a struggle of any type it would be like "dang it! oh wait, I asked for this.... okay what can I learn from this,etc." It ha ha was really funny. And really hard and really great. The awesomeness of it was worth all the hardness though and I continue to pray for trials. Also it's a humbling and growing experience to pray and ask for chastizement. Ha ha we'll see what happens when that one comes which I believe it's coming soon. Ooh it's hard to accept chastizement but it is so necessary for us to become better. 

So this week has been so great because I have witnessed the hand of the Lord in our work so much! When He wants His work to progress, it progresses. We are merely instruments in His hands for His work to move forward. Anyway, this week we have been working a lot and taking a lot of time in order to help our ward become one. We have a new slogan here in the mission "We Are One." Meaning we are one with God, with members, leaders, and missionaries. We're taking what we have been learning from the Bretheren and applying it and we are seeing immediate success! We Are One. It is so great. Missionary work is not just something that missionaries do. It is so true that the members, leaders, and missionaries work together to move the work of the Lord forward. I'm ashamed at how I've always thought missionary work is just for missionaries. NOT TRUE. We Are One. We've been working a lot on organizing, planning, and putting into action an amazing fireside together to help our ward become one. We've combined with the Ward 1 and the Ward 1 missionaries (Sister Marcucci and Sister Tibungcog who live with us) to make this a reality. We're working with our mission leaders who are amazing, and our bishops who are also amazing. We've put a lot of time into this and we're seeing the successes already! We've invited President Martino to come and speak at our fireside and he is excited. Our stake president is so excited and he insists that he is there along with his counselors. He hopes our wards will be the example for our stake. It is so great! We have the support of our leaders and with that support we're getting everybody excited about missionary work! It is amazing to see how the hand of the Lord is moving everything forward in the way He wants it to. I can't stress enough how important it is to first, be one with Heavenly Father. Than we can move to being one with everybody around us. Ah man I'm so excited! It is amazing to see the work of the Lord move forward! And it's going to keep moving forward! We Are One-all of us! We all must work together to move this work forward! I'm stoked! 

I've come closer to our Heavenly Father this week. Every day I learn to rely more and more on Him. I know when I strive not to go the extra mile, but to go the extra 10 miles He will help our work be successful. Ah man I love being a missionary. I love this amazing opportunity I have been given. There is not enough time in the day to help this work move forward! This is amazing. This work is real. Our Savior loves us. He makes this all possible. I love wearing the name of Jesus Christ everyday and trying to represent Him as if He were here. It is hard ha ha and it is so worth it. 

I love you all SO much. I love our Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father more than anything. I love being here and serving with all that I have. This church is true. This gospel blesses families. This gospel saves lives. Jesus is our Savior and our Redeemer. It is through Him all things are possible. 


-your favorite sister missionary Sister Davidson :)

 FHE sa one of our LA families! The Briones family is awesome!

Okay can I just say I was MORE than excited when I saw these! What the!? Animal Crackers in the Philippines!?! Where??? I have no clue where and how they got them but I want them. Also when I ate them (although they were not the same as they were a little soggy ha ha b/c it is a tad bit humid here) about a million memories came flooding into my mind about how much I love Animal Crackers. Also it made me think of Lake Powell and so I told Sister Bongolto all about Lake Powell and when she comes to visit we're taking her to Lake Powell some how. 

We had a zone CSP in one of the areas in our zone planting plants for this garden type thing. It was great and a BEAUTIFUL view! 

so great!
 I love the Philippines!
One of the areas we work in. This is a rice field in case you didn't know, and there is a lot of rice in the Philippines

 And Sister Joy (ward missionary) and I love rice!

Ah man the Philippines is BEAUTIFUL!

Let's go swimming?

 Okay Sister Tui'one is from South Jordan!! She got here last week and she is awesome! Her first name is Tia, she's a year younger than me, we knew each other in high school and we'd say hi to each other on campus at BYU. We don't know each other too well but we have a lot of the same friends! It was so fun when she got here and we're in the same zone! I asked her about everybody and it was fun catching up! I'm stoked she's her and we're in the same mission and in the same zone!!!

Just working ya know

 Sister Bongolto and Sister Tibungcog

 Sister Bongolto hard at work
 I love my anak!! Sister Bongolto is the BEST!

 I love the Philippines!

 Ya I'm a baby and it took me a while to hold this frog because it was SO nasty! Man what you do sometimes for the sake of a picture ha ha. Just kidding it was a great and hilarious picture.

You know, they're just getting ready to eat those later on. Mmm.... that's one dinner appointment I'm disapointed we're missing. 

 FHE sa house of our bishop! Who by the way is freaking awesome!

I LOVE being a missionary! I LOVE Sister Bongolto! I LOVE our Savior Jesus Christ!

And yes there were actually a lot more pictures but I decided to spare you as I realize you all have so much free time with a new baby, getting ready to move, and start school. ha ha I LOVE you!

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