Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 18, 2013


Thanks for your letters! I'm glad you had a GREAT time at Powell and at home! Wow I can't believe the time for Indiana is here. That seems like forever ago when you were planning it! Hey remember how you annouced you were going to NotreDame when we talked on the phone at like 1am in the morning and only for like 5min? Ha ha how much time flies. I'm excited for you!

Okay the mission keeps getting better and better and better! I LOVE it! Start off... our ward is amazing! This past week Sister Bongolto and I have been working on getting a missionary workshop ready for our ward missionaries. Our goal in this workshop was getting them excited about missionary work. Okay this workshop was an absolute success! And the best thing is that it wasn't because of Sister Bongolto and I that it was great-it was great becasue of our ward and the Spirit! ah man it was so great! We seriously have been planning this for the last few weeks and then this past week was all about making the final plans, etc. We worked a lot with our ward mission leader and our Bishop to make this as great as we possibly can. It turned out great. We had about 40 in attendance. What the!? It was FANTASTIC! Our ward missionaries learned a lot from the Spirit and all of us who taught felt so happy with the results the workshop produced! We're excited to continue becoming with our ward to become one together in the work of salvation! We are one! It is so great. 

The work in salvation really is moving forward and we're so blessed to be part of it! I am just overwhelmed always about how this work really is moving forward. It really is moving faster than ever before and we have the great opportunity to be part of it! Okay so at the Worldwide Leadership Training meeting about a month ago (which by the way if you haven't watched it yet-WATCH IT!!!!) they announced that missionaries are now authorized to use Facebook to spread the gospel and do missionary work! In our mission we are not yet authorized to use it and I don't think we will for the next little while. Anyway. As the Bretheren now have said that missionaries will use FB for missionary work that is a BIG step towards the future. Do you realize that the internet is worldwide? The internet is in EVERY country. Facebook is in EVERY country. Meaning... missionary work is now in EVERY country. Just let that sink in a little bit. Because missionaries are now using FB to share the gospel-and because FB is in every country.... ummm what does that mean to you? :) "No unhallowed hand can stop this work from progressing. The Truth of God will go forth until it has penetrated in every continent, visited in every climb, swept in every country, and sounded in every ear." I know that to be 100% true. 

I love being a missionary. I love this gospel. I love sharing this gospel to all these wonderful people that I love. We are so blessed to be part of this right now. I know the Savior loves us, and our Heavenly Father loves us also. We are His children. We do matter to Him. He knows our struggles, our weaknesses, and our trials. He knows how to help us. It is up to us to rely on Him. When we come closer to Him, we are happier. When we read the Book of Mormon we are so happy. I love the Book of Mormon and I know it is true. I pray you're taking the time to read and study from it everyday. I know it blesses our lives.

You are all SO great and I am SO blessed to be part of our family! 

Mahal na mahal ko kayo!!!

-Sister Davidson :)


Tatay Amadore!! Tatay is amazing is like our grandpa! He was baptized a few weeks ago and he has been so blessed by it! He was a little hesitant always to be baptized but he has seen the blessings in his life. He is reading the Book of Mormon everyday and he is a changed person. He is so kind to everyone and he is so happy everyday! Ha ha I just love Tatay!!

Sister Tauililli!! My MTC companion!! It is always such a HAPPY reunion whenever we see each other again! She is doing great and I just love her SO much!

Sister Foster!!! We are seriously like twins. We are always switched up! We were together at the MTC and this was the second time I got to see her since getting here! But seriously we are always switched up! For example. Sister Martino did a workshop over in her zone during Lincoln's surgery. Sister Martino went up to Sister Foster and told her "the baby is doing great!" Sister Foster said, 'oh great! do you mean Sister davidson's sister?" ha ha it was hilarious! It is an honor to be mixed up with her always!

Sister Bongolto and I had exchanges so this is me with Sister Balota! And this is 2 sister-in-law Sister Reylie De Jesus and Sister Kristine De Jesus we are teaching! they are excited for their baptism the end of the month!

 The Briones family! they are less active and really want to be sealed in the temple! We are working with them to set a temple goal date! They came to church yesterday for the first time in a few months and we were stoked!!!

 Okay I got this picture because Nanay's glasses are hilarious! This was the first time we taught Nay and she was great and came to church! Ah man she is hilarious also ha ha. she loves churches where you are really active and vocal in your praising.

Carl Sid and Joyce-2 adorable kids of an investigator we are teaching! This kid gets into everything but then he is so adorable you can't help but laugh.

It was raining in the morning so I decided to shower outside! 

 I mean how many times does it rain so hard you get to shower outside? okay acutally it rains that hard all the time but usually not in the morning.

 The Ponce family! Also less active. Everytime we teach there the Spirit is so strong and they want a change in their lives! But they still aren't coming to church... they'll come back. :)
Some of the people who attended the missionary workshop yesterday! ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! I LOVE MY WARD!!!!!

I LOVE these people SO much!
 Sister Bongolto is the greatest companion EVER!! Seriously we had excanges for like 20 hours and it seemed like forever since I had seen her. 

We had zone games this morning and it was aweome!

Sister Bongolto is the BEST!
There was a birthday cake for sister Marcucci and a few others in our zone... the cake actually wasn't very delicious so it turned into a cake fight.

 There have been a few big storms here as well as it being the rainy season... it is raining a LOT! This water level is huge! Then this morning I wasn't able to take a picture but the water level was even higher! It looked like an ocean in a storm it was so high and the wind was blowing pretty hard. 

That's all folks! I love being a missionary! the Church is True! 

mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)

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