Monday, September 16, 2013


Salamat for all of your letters! I love hearing how you are doing and it sounds like you're having a great time with life! 

So big news..... I GOT TRANSFERRED!!!! First transfer what??? It was great. I am going to miss Tarlac and the people there like CRAZY but already I love my new area. I'm in Camiling and it is beautiful. I didn't realize how big of a city Tarlac was until now. Here in Camiling it is like small town-sort of. Our area is full and full of farmers and rice fields. There are a bunch of big houses that the owners are abroad on work and the people there are just the caretakers of the houses. Then there are a lot of farmers and a lot of the people are in bamboo houses. The people are already so kind, I love it! Ha ha I'm super blessed. Transfering kind of felt like getting in the Philippines all over again, except now I know more Tagalog. But now all the people here speak Ilocano! They speak Tagalog also but a lot of conversations are in Ilocano. Keep the adventures coming, I'm excited to start a new vocabulary for Ilocano! My new companion is Sister Merwal from Negros Philippines. She is great. She is from the same batch as Sister Bongolto, so I"m her first companion after her training is done. (Sister Bongolto is training now-she's awesome!) Sister Merwal is very kind, sweet, and I'm learning a ton from her. Our house is amazing also. I thought our house at Tarlac was nice-our house here is like a hotel! It's great! It's beautiful, huge, and beautiful! Greatest thing-the toilet actually works like a normal toilet! Ha ha the funny things that you suddenly become grateful for. 

It was hard saying goodbye to people in Tarlac. It was hard because we found out about the transfer announcement Wednesday morning, than Thursday morning we transferred. It was a tiring day on Wednesday and sad also to say goodbye to those who we were teaching. Sad also because a lot of them don't have an email address, and if they have a specific address you could send something, but it's not permanent. I truly may never see these people again in this life. Good thing we've got eternity to live! But it was sad to say goodbye. I fell in love with everything at Tarlac. And now I'm excited to fall in love with everything here in Camiling! 

The people and the branch I'm in is great. Fantastic actually. Ha ha they are so kind and I love it! I am really excited for the work we have ahead of us. I'm super excited for getting to know these people and become part of their lives and for them to become part of my life. I love Sister Merwall and I love my new kabahay, and all these new people I'm getting to know! I'm so blessed to be here. I'm so blessed to share this gospel to all who will listen. The church is true! Jesus Christ is more than amazing and through Him all things are possible for all people. It's amazing to see the Atonement work in the lives of others as well as in my life. We're so blessed to be part of this great gospel and to be part of this work in helping the salvation of many souls!

I love you all so much! Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)


My kabahay sa Tarlac! I'm going to miss these great sisters!

For transfer announcements our Zone Leaders are awesome and they had us go on a scavenger hunt close around the church to find out different clues for where everyone was going to be transferred!

 Sister Bongolto was buntis! Meaning she was going to train!

Tarlac Zone!! We are ONE!

Sister Dianne and her kids. Sister Dianne was baptized in June and I will miss her sweet smile and her happy face!

We had FHE with the Quiballio family! We pray for them that they will pick a temple goal date and then work for it!

 Sister Cristina de Jesus and her husband Brother Aron de Jesus, also Sister Joy came by to say goodbye! I'm going to miss them!

Brother Aron is hilarious and he also has a Captain America shirt that we both think is awesome. 

3 Generation Picture! Me, Sister Bongolto, and her new anak or new trainee!

Sister Merwal and myself with Brother Raymond who is going to be baptized in a few weeks!

 So many rice fields! It's beautiful!

It's beautiful!

 Our awesome house!

Our front yard!

 My new kabahay! 

That's all folks. The Church is true! I love you! keep being strong in the gospel! 

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :) 

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