Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23, 2013


kumusta kayo lahat?? sorry I haven't yet read any of your emails I"m super short on time today. sorry! but thanks for emailing me in advance! Hopefully Grandpa Davidson is doing okay and so is everybody!

This week was great. Every week is great here and I love it! We had zone conference this week and it was so fun to see so many missionaries from my batch! it is so fun to see how much we have progressed from our first day in the mtc until now. ha ha they are awesome and it always so much fun seeing them all. 

Zone Conference was amazing. We learned a lot about reaching our full potential. I was greatful for the experience to have been taught by the Spirit. I want to help others reach their great potential that I KNOW they have. Because I'm in a new and amazing area I am seeing so many things that I want to help make better. It's a little overwhelming and I'm learning how to be patient in accomplishing things. These people are so great and this branch has so much potential! I want to help them see their potential and then reach it! It's a slower proccess than I'd like it to be but oh well, it makes it more interesting. I'm learning to respect our leaders so much. They do so much for all of us and help us become better people. ha ha ah man I seriously can't get over how much our leaders do for us and I haven't ever realized it before! at least I'm learning now!

okay seriously this is super short letter sorry!


we had a combined fhe at a less active's house in branch 4. The 2 Nanays were awesome and they made everything so much funnier because they were hilarious!

the neighbors of some of our recent converts that we're hoping we can teach them soon! they're so kind and were shaving the bamboo so they could use it later for whatever. bamboo is used for absolutely everything here i love it!

 Sister Tauillili and Sister Foster! They are companions now! What??? It's super exciting that they are companions because we are all from the same batch! I love them so much!

 Sister Foster aka my twin here in the mission! I love that everybody always gets us confused for each other!

 Sister Martino! Our mission mother who is amazing and we love her SO much! 

 I LOVE the Philippines! I LOVE being a missionary!

 Sister Herlene Pascua! our amazing branch missionary who is preparing for her mission! Her brother is actually serving right now in the Salt Lake City South mission. He was assigned in Sandy a few months ago! small world!

Brother John Paul a RC last year. He made this rubber band gun by himself and I was super impressed by his skills so i took a picture and he was happy to show it off to me :)

And this is a big carabou that was right in our path of walking so we had to go around. ha ha he is ginaormous and scary! not really scary i'm just a baby so I didn't want to get super close to him.

That's all folks! again I aplogize for the short email! Just know I love you, I love being here on a mission! I know the message we're sharing is true and I know this gospel changes lives. 

Mahal kita!

-Sister Davidson :) 

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