Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 7, 2013


Thank you for your emails!! LOVE the support I get from you. I don't know if I mentioned to you before but the new missionaries I'm around don't get hardly any support from home. It's hard when they don't have anything in their inbox... Thank you for your sweet sweet, continual support for me. I love you!

Also... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLA!!!! I'll be honest I have no idea what day your birthday is but I know it is the beginning of October and that last year on your birthday we had a bbq outside and Tam made a delicious cake and my dad bought you a sweet garbage can. Ha ha hope this birthday for you is also great! 

This week was fantastic. I love this place. I love these people. They are so so great and hilarious! We have so much fun. This week Joshua got baptized! He is 12 years old and ha ha he's got the personality of a 12 year old boy. He was a referral to us from his member cousins. He loves going to church, and he loves the people at church. I think mostly he loves feeling apart of something. It has been neat seeing the change in him. Even though he still acts like a 12 year old boy, he has changed and is very reverent in Sacrament meeting which is awesome. ha ha he's great. Also on Saturday night we had a branch FHE. So fun! We were in the cultural hall in a big circle and played a bunch of games. Super fun. The branch seriously is so fun here and they love doing things together. 

Saturday we were also blessed to watch the RS Broadcast. Okay that was amazing! I'm pumped for General Conference this next weekend. I LOVE our leaders. I LOVE RS also. The speakers were so inspired and I felt the Spirit and felt a rejuvinated to keep the covenants I've made with our Heavenly Father. 

I love you all so much! I love being a missionary. These days really go by too quickly and I'm loving every single minute of it. The Church is true. Jesus Christ lives. Our Heavenly Father is aware of our needs and our concerns in our lives. He knows us personally and waits for us to ask for His help. I'm grateful for our eternal family and for the opportunity we're given to make sacred covenants with God.

Mahal Kita!

-Sister Davidson :)


just a fun little lizard Sister Herlene caught.

 Joshua got baptized! It was so exciting! The brother who baptized him (Brother Jade) just got back from his mission... in SLC South Mission!! He was in SOJO for one transfer but not in our stake. He served most his time in Riverton and Draper. Ha ha it's awesome talking to him and asking questions about missionary work in Utah. He loved it though and said all the members are incredibly incredibly kind and he was treated like a king. Good work members-keep it up. 

 All the people who were at the baptism! We combined with branch 4. The more the merrier! It was great!!

 Okay this is President Fabros. I taught them the "Zip Bong" game and they LOVE it. Like it is the funniest thing they have ever experienced. THey love love love it. 

 evidence of the love they have for this hilarious game. 

p.s. Okay so I'm ALWAYS put in charge of games for FHE because they love the new games. But here's the thing, I"m running out of ideas! If you can think of games to play please let me know! That cover from all kids, all youth, all grandma's and grandpas, and the great mixture of it all. From games to big groups, to small groups. please send them all! we've played... do you love your neighbor, zip bong, signs, etc. things like that. I'm hoping to try Ninja later on... hope they'll like that. But seriously-those cheezy efy games.. please send your ideas! 

 We were teaching Brother Raymond and then behind us we hear all this water splashing. Turn around-there's just a farmer giving his carabou a bath-no big deal. Ha ha I thought it was hilarious. 

 Just leaving the bath tub

 Okay I'm in love with this kid. He is the little brother of Sister Herlin, his name is Hyrum and he is adorable. Ha ha he just makes me laugh so so much all the time. I'm sups excited for when Jr. can act as the little brother I"ve never had! Jokes. I'm excited to have a nephew!!!

 We had FHE over at our Branch President's house! SO much fun! I love getting to know our leaders and building that trust with them that is so so so critical! Ha ha they're hilarious. And they think I'm hilarious. Ha ha it's awesome.

This is little Cina. She's the granddaughter of Sister Wilma (the lady you see in the background.) Sister Wilma came to church for the first time in a long time! She is less active and we were STOKED to see her come to church!!! We didn't get a chance to talk to her so we hope she felt the Spirit and will come to General Conference next week!!!

That's all folks!!

Salamat talaga for your support and love and prayers in my behalf. I sincerely appreciate it. I love and pray for you daily!

-Sister Davidson :)

p.s. Okay so I'm ALWAYS put in charge of games for FHE because they love the new games. But here's the thing, I"m running out of ideas! If you can think of games to play please let me know! That cover from all kids, all youth, all grandma's and grandpas, and the great mixture of it all. From games to big groups, to small groups. please send them all! we've played... do you love your neighbor, zip bong, signs, etc. things like that. I'm hoping to try Ninja later on... hope they'll like that. But seriously-those cheezy efy games.. please send your ideas! 

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