Saturday, October 5, 2013

September 29, 2013


kmsta kayo??? 

Thank you for your emails! LOVED them! Also good luck to Grandpa with his surgery this week. And everything happens for a reason no matter what. Even with Linc's new  struggles... he'll be fine whatever that means for Heavenly Father. He's being molded into what Heavenly Father wants him to be even though he is still a tiny tiny baby. We are all being molded into what Heavenly Father wants us to become because of this struggle with Lincoln. "Come what may and love it. :) also our family is eternal and it's perfect." everything will be fine no matter what sort of trials the Lord chooses to give us. 

This week was great! The highlight was Saturday! So this whole week is called Family Week in the Philippines. A week to celebrate families. Great right? So obviously the church supports family week also because come on, families are important! So actually hardly anything happened M-Friday but on Saturday we had a great celebration!

In the morning it started with a motorcade. Like a parade. We all gathered at the church and people got in trikes, jeeps, the back of a truck, and we were in the couple missionarie's sweet car. We all had balloons and just drove around Camiling for maybe 10 minutes just waving at people. It was great. Really short ha ha but fun. Then later in the morning we had a family history open house and a church tour! It was awesome. The members decorated each room in the church for each class. For YW class, YM, RS, EQ, and than family history. It looked SO good and I regret that I forgot to take pictures... how I made that mistake I can't tell you. Anyway. We were there and inviting EVERYBODY to come into the church to see what happens in the church, to see what family history is, etc. It was great. Also it was an evidence of how important members are. If they had not brought their non-member friends, it all would have been an activity for members only. MEMBERS ARE CRITICAL IN MISSIONARY WORK!!! Anyway. It was a great turn out. This whole week we had been teaching basically every single lesson about family history and temples and inviting EVERYONE to come. Through teaching the same lesson about family history and temples to everyone, everyday, for a week I came to a great appreciation of temples and family history. I'm super impressed with Grandma Heywood and her dedication to family history. Also Dad, I'm impressed with your interest and love for learning about the stories of our ancestors. Your examples are great and I pray that you will never stop learning about our ancestors. Later we had a great devotional with President Martino as our speaker. He talked about families and the importance of families. I felt the Spirit and as I've been here out on a mission I've come to a great appreciation of our family. Our family is the best. Our families are so critical for us. Even though we are not perfect, no family is perfect, we experience our greatest sorrows and our greatest sorrows within our families. And I"m so grateful to be part of our family.
In the afternoon we also had a baptism! Brother Raymond was excited to be baptized. Ha ha even though he doesn't show his excitement as most people, the words he describes in coming closer to Christ is amazing and a testimony builder.  Brother Raymond is a great great example and will be a great example to all those around him. 

All in all the week was fantastic. I LOVE serving a mission. I couldn't be happier serving full time to the Lord. He blesses and helps me grow each day more than I ever have in my life. I hope that I am becoming the person He wants me to become now and for the rest of my life. Thank you all for your love and support and prayers in my behalf all the time and also for your prayers for those we are working with. 

I love and pray for each of you daily. Keep reading the scriptures everyday. Pray every morning and every night and often throughout the day. Go to church each week-all your meetings. Serve those around you and always strive to do as Christ would do.

Mahal na mahal ko kayo!!! you're the best!!!

-Sister Davidson :)

 We had an FHE with a RC and there are SO many little kids there that were adorable. Ha ha the kids make everything so much funner becasue they get into everything.

 I literally serve in the most beautiful place in the WORLD!!!

 Like how is this not beautiful!? 

 Okay this Nanay is just hilarious. She is absolutely in love that I am white and that I speak Tagolog (somewhat ha ha). In the middle of the lesson, in the middle of anything she just makes some sort of comment about my Tagalog or about the color of my skin. It is hilarious and we just can't help but laugh. Ah man ha ha seriously hilarious. Here in the Philippines I have never been hated or loved so much just because of the color of my skin. Seriously they love love love love that I am white. It is crazy. And hilarious. 

 getting ready for the motorcade!

 stuffing people into trikes!
getting ready for the drive!

Branch 1!!! My branch literally is number 1!!!!
Sister Merwal and Sister Herlene!! The best ever!!! 
A birthday party for this adorable 1 year old we went to! The husband here is not a member so we hope we can start teaching him!

 And the cake was adorable-check it out-Tangled.

 The baptism of Brother Raymond!!!

Brother Raymond doesn't show his excitement but his testimony is strong!

There was a talent show later on and this girl is seriously the next Celion Deon. AMAZING. and seriously my jaw dropped when she started singing. She's got pipes and she would take any contest hands down. 
  okay ya beautiful!
I LOVE this place!
yep still love it
 yep I"m in love!

that's all folks! thanks for your love and support! I love and pray for you daily! I pray all will be well with Jr and the rest of everything that's going on in your busy busy lives!!!

the church is true!

-Sister Davidson :)

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