Friday, May 23, 2014

May 19, 2014


Thank you so much for your emails! Sounds like you're all doing sooo well and loving life! That's awesome! Take advantage of every moment of life as often time flies too quickly. 

This week was fantastic! I love this area, I love Sister Fabros, I love all these Sisters, I just love it all!

This week my perception of fasting changed. We fasted as a zone for help in the goals we have for the months of May and June and before we fasted I decided to increase my knowledge about fasting. As studying about fasting I realized that there is a better way of fasting than I have been doing in the past. When I have fasted before, I have fasted for this person, or that person, or for this to happen or that, etc. But this time, I learned to fast rather to know what the Lord would have me specifically do to help this person, or that person, or for this or that to happen, etc. As I read about fasting, it stuck out to me that while fasting we are more spiritually sensitive to receive knowledge and revelation from God. I decided to ask for increased knowledge and increased sensitivity to know what I must do to help these people, to help these things happen. I once read a quote about praying for specific things, and then doing nothing to make them happen. How often do we do that? "Please bless.... or please help this person or those people.... etc." and then how often is that it? We leave the prayer like that and then don't really do anything to make those things happen. We don't do anything in our power to "help that person"or to "bless that person's life"? For me I do that too often. And it's not b/c I don't want to, I just don't think about what the Lord would have me do in order for me to help that person, etc. It was an interesting lesson the Lord taught me and I'm grateful for His lesson to me. 

We have this one investigator, Brother Lorenzo, who is great. His sister, Sister Lawrence, was baptized this past January and is very devoted to Christ and following His commandments. Sister Lawrence is so great at encouraging Brother Lorenzo to read the Book of Mormon, go to church, etc. as she can see how much the gospel has helped her life. Brother Lorenzo really struggles accepting for himself if it is all true or not. He has switched religions many times, and he is now reading the Book of Mormon, the Bible, etc to find out for himself. He has many questions, and is hesitant about accepting the truth as he realizes it will change his entire life. If he decides to join this Church, he realizes it's not a thing you just choose to do on a whim, but it will be a life changing decision. Please pray that Brother Lorenzo will find the courage within himself, and find courage and trust in the Savior to make the right decision for him for him to have eternal happiness. 

This week and every week, is seriously the best. I love this work so much. I love our Savior Jesus Christ, more than I can explain. His love, His trust, His grace and mercy, everything about Him... is amazing and I don't have the skills to describe how I feel about Him and how in-debt I am to Him. His Atonement is everything. The more we understand the Atonement, and the power within the Atonement, the more joy we have in knowing that we have a Savior and Redeemer to help us return back to our loving Heavenly Father's presence.

I love you all soooo much! I know that Heavenly Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ love you more than words can describe. Learn more about His love for you as well as for those around you, it is amazing the change you'll see. 

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)


1. Exchanges with Sister Roisum from Washington! These kids are adorable and love Sister Roisum! She's got a great fan club in her area. Ha ha little Filipino kids are adorable.

2. Sister Roisum! Just walking to an appointment and loving every minute of it!

3. Our district!! Our district is seriously the best. and super goofy ha ha. 

4. Lincoln sent me a package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Linc you're the best in the entire world!!! and I'm super impressed at your skills in writing, sending a package, etc. you're parents must be the best ever!

5. Ah man Linc you're the best!!!!!! But really, you're the best ever!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! 

1. Ha ha the chocolate for sure melted, but no worries, I stuck it in the freezer and it tastes deliciously the same! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!

2. And I am officially a ND fan

3. Great CSP helping a member clear her yard of grass so she can plant some veggies!

4. Members of our district and Sister Alma the member who we helped!

5. The kids swimming in their backyard b/c it's so hot! The Filipinos are so useful in using whatever they have to make a great time! 

6. so fun! 

. Sister Aneida! One of our investigators who is the house help of a member family! She is awesome and is struggling with family problems which is hard for her to overcome. 

2. Sister Joan and her anak. the baby was crying and so for the picture I cried with him. 

3. We went to the Capas Shrine which was actually really cool. It is a great big memorial for all those soldiers who died while in Capas, Tarlac, during WWII. It was a really neat memorial where there was a great sense of peace and happiness in the joy of the resurrection. 

4. This is just full and full of all the names of those who passed away in the war. 

5. A cool hanging bridge we went to go get a picture on that was close to the memorial. 

6. Sister Penales! My kabahay who is so great and so fun to be around!

That's all folks! I sure do love and pray for each one of you daily! I hope you're doing those things that will bring you happiness for an eternity and not just for a lifetime.

Mahal ko kayo!!

-Sister Davidson :) 

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