Monday, May 12, 2014

May 5, 2014


Thank you so much for your emails! It was good to hear from you and it sounds like life is going well! I love hearing from you thank you! By the way, I had no idea that Elisha and Drew had a baby!?!? WHat?? Congratulations!!! That is adorable!! Oh man that is so awesome, congratulations to them! 

This week was fantastic. We had MLC again at the mission home with President and Sister Martino and wow, what a great meeting to be apart of. The Spirit was very strong and I learned a lot about what the Lord expects of me, what He expects of His servants and what a beautiful blessing it is to be one of His humble servants. At the end of the day we had a powerful testimony meeting. When President Martino got up to bear his testimony at the end of the meeting, he shared with us how he told us the story of him and his wife were called to serve as the mission president of the Philippines Angeles Mission. It was a very interesting story and it is a strong evidence to me, that all callings in the Church, are from the Lord Himself. Our leaders who give us the callings, are instruments only. The callings we have are from the Lord. When we remember Who called us, when we remember Who has His trust in us, it will give us the comfort that we can, we must, and we will do our best. With the help of the Lord, nothing is impossible. I have realized the great calling that the Lord has trusted me with. I'm amazed at how much trust He has in me. With that trust He has in me, I know that He knows that I can fully accomplish everything He expects of me-with His help. It is impossible that I could do it on my own, but with His help I am able to do all things. I'm continually amazed as I continue to study the Atonement in the Book of Mormon how much power is in the Atonement, and how much I rely on His power and His grace. How grateful I am for the Atonement; and how important it is for me to share the knowledge that I have of the Atonement to others. As I learn more and more about the Atonement, I realize more and more how much I need to help those around me  learn more about the Atonement. I'm somewhat shy about my understanding of the Atonement before, but what is important is that I understand it more now than ever before and that I continue to add to my knowledge of the Atonement because in reality, I know so little.

This week has also been great as I am in my new area! Sister Marcucci and I had an emergency transfer together after MLC. I'm going to miss Cabanatuan and I'll miss Sister Ganacial-the area and my companion were the best. Fun stuff though, I'm BACK in Tarlac again! This is my 3rd time in Tarlac! But because I"m back in Tarlac, I will probably be able to go on exchanges in my old areas! I'm so excited!!!!! My new companion is Sister Fabros who is sereaoulsy amazing. Wow, she is great and I am sooo blessed to have her! We are here in Ward 5 now and oh my goodness this area is the best. We have the most beautiful church building ever, the leaders here are SO on top of everything, SO organized, and SO on the same page with each other, it is a big blessing! I love it. We had a baptism this past Thursday! Sister Wilma who was a referral from her member neighbor and she is so grateful for the new life she has. She feels like she has come home and it is sweet hearing her sweet testimony. I'm blessed that I am now able to be part of her life.

I sure do love you all. Thank you for your continual support and love towards me! Thank you for your continual prayers and your love for me and also for those we are working with here. The prayers truly do help. 

I love you all! Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)


1. Saying goodbye to Cabanatuan! With my amazing kabahay! Sister Wheat, Sister Jipus and Sister Ganacial

2. All the Sister Training Leaders with Sister Martino!!

3. Re-united again with our old kabahy in our first area. Sister Bongolto and Sister Marcucci!! Love these 2!!!

4. Sister Tui 'one is one of the new Sister Training Leaders!!! ah man I love her sooo much!!!

5. ha ha it's like our first day all over again getting a picture with President and Sister Martino! They go home this July and this was their last MLC, what a blessing to be working with them and learning SO much from them. Truly they are the best ever. 

 . All of us at my new house!! So with where we're assigned, we get to host the Sisters when they come to Tarlac for something and they need to stay overnight. It's going to be great!! What a priviledge also because this house that we live in... has a microwave!!!!! oh my goodness it was so amazing! I got shy about it though and I had to ask my new American kabahay how to use it. Ah man I laughed at myself how I have forgotten how amazing a microwave is and how much I forgot how to use it.

2. I got a super cute Easter package from Sister Emily Viallobos!!! Wow it was so cute! Thank you so much Sister Vialobos!!! Sorry I don't know how to spell your name correctly ha ha but thank you so much!!! That Peep... was soooo delicious ha ha! You're the best! Thank you also for the kind note you let as well! 

3. Baptism of Sister Wilma Garcia!!!!!! She is soo kind and the Gospel has already blessed her life so much!

4. The support of the ward!

5. Exchanges with Sister Pascua with Ward 1!!! It was so fun!

We had a small CSP helping an investigator move houses! These are some of the Elders in our awesome District!

2. The group helping at the CSP!

3. Sister Fabros and I with one of our members who we teach! He's completely deaf and so we write all our lessons down with him! He is awesome and walks to church (about a 30+min walk with his cane) every week! What an example of being true to the end.

4. All of us at MLC!!! 

That's all folks! Thank you for your continued love and support to me and to those who we teach. You really are the best! 

The work of the Lord is hastening, it's amazing how quickly the Lord is pushing His work forward with swiftness. As the work continues to hasten, the temptations of sin are continuing to be strong. I know we need to do all that we can to become sturdy and solid in Jesus Christ. With Him as our Rock-no matter what will go on around us, our trust in Him will strengthen our faith. We will be solid.

I love you all! I love missionary work. I love our Savior Jesus Christ.

-Sister Davidson :) 

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