Friday, June 7, 2013

Pictures June 3, 2013

the paintings on the outside of the schools are so cute!

This is a grade 4 classroom! I told the kids that my dad was fourth grade teacher and they thought that was funny

 Same classroom, just the back view

 a grade 5 classroom

like a place to eat or something, I don't know really I just thought it was pretty and it showed what the buildings look like 

another view of the buildings. They have a tooth brushing station in the background which I thought was funny

Just some jamming after cleaning

the cleaning group

okay this was funny. the whole time we were cleaning i would pick up pieces of trash and give them as birthday presents to the ward missionaries. Then act all offended when they threw their birthday presents (pieces of trash) back into the trash.  Ha ha anyway it was fun and a good way to build relationships with the ward missionaries. Anyway, one ward missionary finally told me he had a birthday present for me so to close my eyes and hold out my hand. He put a frog in my hand! Ewwww!!!! Fun fact. Frogs are everywhere here. Anyway, I immedieatly dropped it, freaked out, and was disgusted. Then I thought to myself, "no it's just a frog, suck it up and just hold it." So this is me attempting to hold the frog for the sake of a picture and for the sake of having the experience. Also I was hoping to overcome my fear of touching creepy crawly or jumpy things. Ha ha maybe one day I will not freak out at touching nasty things.

Going in for the actual grabbing the frog. And okay this whole time everyone was just laughing and laughing at me while i was freaking out. Ha ha oh well, I'm glad I could provide for a good laugh

 Okay I'm holding it, hurry and take the picture
  look I'm faking like i'm enjoying this... ha ha after the picture i immediately dropped the frog and wiped my hands on the grass attempting to get all the germs off-probably not the most effective way but oh well. 

 Okay we had PIZZA for P-Day!!! SOOO Delicious! Wow I was amazed at how amazing it tasted in my mouth and wow I didn't realize how much I missed pizza! wow it was so so so delicious! 

Okay this was a tender mercy from the Lord moment. Sometimes people are scared to pray so we will just tell them to repeat after us and then fill in what they are greatful for, what they want to ask their Heavenly Father for, etc. This time it was a child who was repeating the prayer so we just said everything and he repeated. But what ended up happening was one child started to repeat. Then it ended up all the kids AND the Nanay started repeating the prayer! It was so cute and adorable to hear all those little voices saying a prayer to their Heavenly Father. We pray they will remember how to pray and pray on their own!

This little kid is adorable! I sent you a picture of him already. His name is Carston, he reminds me of a little Kela and then more energy, his mom is Grace and she is progressing so much! We taught her about the WOW, Law of Chastity, and Repentance and she is so willing to accept! WE are so happy! And we pray so much for her that she continues to progress. She continues to keep commitments, etc. We also pray for her not legally wedded husband to listen in on our lessons. He is simply so shy. Anyway, this little kid is adorable.

It is beginning to be rainy more and more! I love it! the rain comes down SO hard. I'm telling you. If Utah had one storm like here, we would be in so much trouble from all the water. Sure we can handle snow and ice, but this much rain-no way. So much damage. I love it. And it just makes me laugh and laugh when we're walking in all the rain and trying without success to stay dry.

Okay that's about it! But real quick, I've been thinking about Grandma June, Tony, Sierra, and Jessica Jill this week-how are they doing? That's cool that you gave your Jackson condo to Tony and Jana to them! Are they all 3 going up? Sad you're not going up this year I LOVE Jackson Hole! So much!

But I love being a missionary even more! I love spending all my time serving the Lord and helping to move His work forward. It is so great. It is great and a blessing to see how much the gospel is blessing these people's lives. It is a testimony to me that this gospel isn't just for some, but for all the people throughout the world! This church is true. The Lord is kind and so incredibly loving.

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson


Thank you Ryan and Dad for the info. And okay I was going to schedule to skype you Fathers Day 5pm... but I found out today that because most everybody is not calling on Fathers Day we may have a schedule Zone Activity that day that I would call. So my question to you is this... is it okay with you if I call you on Monday night? The day after Father's Day? ah man it makes me so sad b/c I want to call you on Father's Day. And at the same time, it is important to Sister Frejas and our Zone if we attend this Zone activity. So is it okay wth you if I call you on Monday after Father's Day about 5pm your time? ah man I'm so sorry! And at the same time I'm just still stoked to skype you! I love you! And let me know if that works for you! If not, I can probably skype you Father's Day Father's Day. Mahal ko kayo!

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