Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 23, 2013

The Lord doesn't always call those who are qualified, but He always qualifies those He calls. 


Okay this week was awesome!! Wow it went by sooo fast, I loved it! Okay so big news.....

I AM TRAINING!!!!! WHAT??????? 

Yep that happened. And yep 100% I know the Lord will qualify me to fulfill this calling. Wow. I personally think I'm ready, but I trust the Lord knows me more than I know myself, if He thinks I'm ready... then I'm ready. Let's do this!

Okay so training. I love it! On Wednesday we had the transfer announcements and my trainer and my amazing companion who I miss so much Sister Frejas got transfered to Camiling. And my new companion, straight from the Manila MTC. I'm her first companion! I finished the 12 week training program this past week, then started it up again this week but on the trainers side rather than the trainee. Wow I'm learning a lot! Okay so my anak! My child as we call it, Sister Bongolto! Wow she came pre-trained fresh from the MTC! She is from Mindanao and she is amazing! I just love her to pieces. She trains me more than I train her. She is so so so great and I am looking forward to the next 12 weeks we have together! My goal is to train her so that after these 12 weeks she will be ready to train a fresh missionary from the Provo MTC! I already know she'll be ready ha ha she is so great. 

This week we also had in our ward an RM come home from Bocolod mission... Brother Jared Garcia. He thinks he knows Jared Heywood!? He said he thinks he has a picture of them together, so he'll look and show me if he finds it. Anyway, it's great having him help our ward get enthusiastic about missionary work. Our ward is fantastic. The ward goal is to split in Dec 2014 which means... we need baptisms! Which means our work needs to increase! I'm stoked! We're focusing on finding families and potential Priesthood leaders who will be able to lead the new ward, it's great. And the ward is super excited. We just need them to be excited everyday and not just Sunday ha ha. 

But good news! We are going to have 2 baptisms this Saturday!!! We're so excited! They both had their baptismal interviews yesterday and they are so excited! So now we pray that everything will work out so we don't have a repeat of the week before the baptism things fall through here and there so the baptism is unable to happen. Ah man please pray for them! Sister Dianne and Sister Jacquiline! They have the desire so much! So we pray everything will work out unlike it did with Sister Grace and her boyfriend not wanting to get married last minute... We're still working with them. Sister Grace will be baptized, one day, soon. :) So yes, we have 2 baptisms this week and they will be awesome! We're excited!

It sounds like life at home is great! I was reading your email Dad about St. George and the condo and at first I couldn't figure out why in the world you were able to spend so much time at the condo. I was thinking to myself, what holiday is it right now where he has that time, then I remembered, 'oh ya it's summer-no school.' Dad your talk was great! I laughed out loud reading it, I'm sure the ward also laughed a lot. Ha ha I'm glad you were able to tell them about all the delicious food here! Ha ha jokes. So really the fruits and vegetables here are amazing, I just tell you all about the nasty foods b/c you already know that fruit's and veggies taste amazing. how's your diet going Pa? ha ha sorry I told you you gained weight. I still love you! 

So the work here is good. I love working with Sister Bongolto, I love training her and it is also hard ha ha. Sister Frejas, my nanay, isn't there to save me when I need it-I have to rely on the Lord. Funny how that works eh? It's good though! Sister Frejas taught and trained me well! I'm learning how to rely on our Heavenly Father so that I can save my anak even though the language barrier is still there. With the Lord's help everything is possible! I love being here, I love the people, I love the work, I love our Savior. I love that He loves us and is willing to help us always if we humble ourselves and ask and do those things that will qualify us for His guidance. It is so important for us to be doers of what the Lord has asked us and not just say, oh yeah I should probably do that... but actually be doers. It makes a difference.

I love you family! I love our Savior!

-Sister Davidson :) 


1. Our (old) district the day of the transfer announcements! We made district t-shirts so that we can all match. Good thing I love wearing the color light pink which means I'm probably going to wear this t-shirt every single day! (I'm being sarcastic when I say that I hope you know...) 

2. Here is another FHE! I want to testify to what dad has said that at fhe when we make a mistake we get lip-stick smeared on our face and sometimes I do it just to  get them to laugh, because actually I love to win. But winning means no lipstick and they love lipstick, so therefore lipstick sa akin. :)

3. The Quiballio Family! We're working on getting them to come back to church! They have so much potential as a family!

4. Oh you know, just the Jeepny getting filled up with gas. Makes me laugh. 

5. Where they put the gas in. 
6. Me, my anak, my nanay-3 generations! I will miss Sister Frejas and I am so excited for my anak Sister Bongolto! Seriously she is soooo great! Does she look scared and new and basically like I did my first day here in the field? Ha ha I am glad that I am able to relate somewhat to how she was feeling that first day because that was me just 12 weeks ago!

7. Suprise! Sister Marcucci (our roomate) scared the living daylights out of us last night! We got home to the lights off and we thought they weren't home. To our suprise, Sister Marcucci was hiding under the bed where we kneel to pray and Sister Bernarte was in the bathroom ready to scare us! Wow mini-heart attack. Soo funny though! And maybe this was wrong of us, but we know the Lord has a sense of humor, so we prayed for inspiration to know how we might get them back. Probably not very appropriate, but laughing is good for the heart, and mind, so if we want to serve with all our heart, might, mind, and strength... I think it is good.

That's it folks! Mahal na mahal ko kayo! I love you so much!!!!!!

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