Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pictures May 27, 2013

Another picture of us painting the school.

Oh here is a pic of one of the school buildings to give you more of an idea. Each door is one big classroom. 

 This just made me laugh. Sister Frejas wanted a guava from this tree in front of a less active family's house. So Louie just climbed the tree and picked one for her and me as well! NBD. Mmmm masarup! Delicious! 

Okay this little girl was cute. We asked her what her mama's name was and she just kept saying "Mama" then when we would try to ask what her papa's name was she would say "Papa" ha ha she was so talkative. It was hilarious so I took a picture of her. 

Okay this little family was also adorable. They have been taught by the missionaries before, and we hope that this time they are ready to accept the gospel! 

These 7 people are great! We first started to teach the couple on the left, but then slowly all of them started listening in on our lessons and now we are teaching all 7! It is so great! 6 of them have come to church at least one time and we pray for their continued growth! They have trouble following the Word of Wisdom, which we are trying to help them overcome. Which makes me want to ask, do you or someone you know have a personal experience of seeing blessings from following the WOW? I don't really have a personal experience that I can relate with them as I've never tried cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, tea, etc... you know? Do you have a story I guess you could share with me that I could share with them that maybe will help them overcome their addiction?

Okay remember how I told you how BEAUTIFUL the lightening is here!? Okay I tried so hard to capture the lightening but it was so hard! Here are my attempts... enjoy! :) 

Imagine the pitch black sky, then the lightening lightening the sky so bright like this! And you can see the zigzags of the lightening! Sooo beautiful!

This is Sister Grace! And her family and us. She has a BGD of June 15th and we are SO excited for her! She is progressing sooo much and we pray she will continue to progress and her prayers will be answered and she will be baptized on June 15th! We love her and her family so much!

This is the Viado family who we want to return to church sooo badly! They are so kind to us and so great people, we just really want them to come back to church because we know it will bless their lives!

And that's about it for pictures. This email is SUPER long. Ha ha sorry! I forget that you have lives and it takes time to actually read what I write. Sorry! Anyway. I love you all sooo much and you're in my prayers everyday! I hope all is well and you're enjoying the last days of school! Funny school is ending for you, and school is starting here. Their break is March-May. Okay I love you! The Church is true! Keep praying, reading the scriptures, and going to church. The 3 M's to remain happy-magdasal, magbasa, tapos magsimba. :) Love you sooo much!

-Sister Davidson :)

p.s. I'm skyping home (not calling) in only 2 weeks! (meaning 2 times for us to set up our schedule) We need to set up a time! I'm thinking evening time Father's Day? Does that work for you? Or the Monday after Fathers's day is fine too if you're going to Grandma's or something for Father's day which is fine. Just let me know Please! If we do the Monday after Father's day that means I can email you on Monday, and then skype the next day. (As Sunday for you is Monday for me, Monday for you is Tuesday for me) But let me know in your next email PLEASE!! And Dad, I need my skype info please as I can't remember my password and username ha ha. Also who will I be skyping? What is your skype address? Maybe you want to test it first? meaning dad has my skype username and password and maybe call Ryan's skype address or Dad's skype address or whoever from my skype address to see if it works? please please please send me your skype information so we can actually skype! love you!

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