Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Baby Hungry Ba Tayo? July 14, 2013

Haha ha we are all so ready for this baby to come! I'm sups excited!!!! This whole past week I was waiting for the call from Sister Martino but hindi pa. It's okay ha ha we're all so excited! Ah man thank you a billion times for keeping me updated. I'll be praying for you and everything will work out, I'm excited! 

This week was fantastic! We started the week with exchanges. I went to the other area with the Sister Training Leaders and it was so much fun to see how their investigators are, how they teach them, their relationship with their investigators, like that. It was great. I enjoyed the Sister's sweet apartment and their company and just being with them and learning new things! Si Sister Bongolto was here leading our area and she did great. I'm telling you, she is pre-trained and now training me. I'm stoked to be with her and learn from her everyday. 

Our ward is awesome also. Yesterday we worked with the Bishop and his wife and they were able to introduce us to some more of the LA in our ward. Our area is so big I'm always amazed when i learn that our area is in this place, like that, it's ginormous. Probably like Savanna's belly. Anyway, we went to this one LA in our ward who is a former Stake President. Man it was an interesting experience. He is such a kind man, and is totatlly like a former stake president would be, except inactive ha ha. Anyway, he is also really really wealthy. He lives in a ginormous house and he used to be one of the biggest tithe payers here in the Philippines. Anyway, our conversation was great. He is inactive, he says, because the members think he is crazy. He is like one of those BYU scripture scholars who knows everything imaginable and more about the scriptures, including the geography of where all the history is, the maps, Isaiah, like that. It is crazy how much he knows. People think he is crazy because he sometimes shares too much of what he knows with people. He talks and teaches like an adult would teach a child to drive a car. They're not ready I guess? I don't know. Anyway, he is a very kind, and knowledgeable man and we pray he will return back to church to help edify all of us.

This week I learned a lot about prayer vs sincere prayer. There are many accounts in the scriptures about sincere prayer. I've realized how often, my prayers are just prayers long and no sincerety in them. We all have the capacity to bring the powers of Heaven to us. Heavenly Father is waiting for us to ask for the promised blessings when we do our part, and sometimes (for me, most times) I just say the usual prayers. I'm not calling down the powers of heaven to help me, to help my family, my area, my ward, our work, etc. I'm just saying prayers long. I forget a lot of times also that prayer is a 2 way communication. How often do we pray and forget to listen? We all know that when we are praying we are talking with our Heavenly Father-why not have a conversation instead? I am guilty of this soooo often-I forget to take the time to listen after I close my prayer. I've found though that when I take the time to communicate with our Heavenly Father, it is just that-an actual conversation. I love it. My relationship with our Father in Heaven is growing stronger and stronger everyday and I am so grateful for that. It strengthens me, and it helps our work here soo much! Ha ha I don't need to feel like I have to do everything on my own-Heavenly Father is there to help. I just have to ask specifically for His help. So try this week, and then always ha ha, have a conversation with our Heavenly Father. Not just a one-way conversation where you order what you want on the phone and hang up before He answers and confirms with you. 

This week was awesome talaga! I LOVE being here. Also I really wish I could hold Jr as soon as he's born. I love you all soooo much! I'm sups excited for this week. It will be grand. Each of you are in my prayers and I pray for the doctors as well! I love you!!

-your favorite missionary! Sister Davidson 

Pictures! :)

Okay one of the members in our ward is really well off-they have a drum set!? What the!? Okay I actually didn't play, I just really wanted to fake like it.

 We had a fun FHE!

Because I'm white-they put lip stick on my face rather than babypowder 

FHEs really are way fun

One of the families we visited on exchanges. 4 of them are getting baptized next week and we are so excited for them!

Exchanges with Sister Delos Santos!

I love the Philippines! It is SO beautiful here! This was a sunset picture we were able to capture and it doesn't even show the true beauty of the country and bundok here in the Philippines. 

I love this picture! Sorry for the blury-ness.

 I just love this sunset!

 continuation of the beauty of the earth!

Okay this was nasty. We had a CSP cleaning the house where the new Elderl missionaries are going to be coming in and staying their first night her. this house was nasty! Complete with trying to catch mice, fighting off coackroaches, dead snakes, it was great... Don't worry though we cleaned it well. That new Elder from our Stake (what is his name and when he come here?) will enjoy it ha ha. 

After our CSP we celebrated 7/11 day at 7/11 with ice cream! 

We went free golfing this morning as a zone!! Forgive me for my lack of golf skills-Ry I expect lessons one day. But it was SO fun!

I was a pro-at acting like a pro-not actually a pro at golf.

Our zone! It was so fun golfing with them! 

That's it folks! I love you and am praying for you that everything goes well with the delivery this week!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

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