Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July Family!!!!

How are you! And happy late 4th!!! Ha ha my American kabahay and I had a good time celebrating and trying to introduce American things to our mga kasama. Je je it was funny.

This week was great! Last week our Bishop (is amazing by the way) took us to like 6 different houses of less active memebers in our ward and this week we were able to visit 5 of them! They are all doing well and have their different reasons for not coming to church anymore and we're trying to work with them to help remind them why they decided to be baptized in the first place. Slowly we will progress with them and they will return and be so happy! 

This week we also had a bunch of pump-up let's actually do more work times with our zone. On Monday we set our zone goals for the month of July, then on Thursday we had our Zone Trainings, then Friday our Zone Interviews with President. It was a pump up week for sure! I love being here in the middle of all these changes that are happening, it is awesome! So something big and exciting is that we now have the opportunity to go to the temple 2x during our mission!!!! Exciting right!? If we work with less actives, or recent converts who are going to the temple for the first time to be sealed together as a family we can go with them! We are stoked beyond belief! Something Sister Bongolto and I hope for is the family of Sister Dianne to be sealed! Sister Dianne was baptized last week, and we are now teaching her asawa and we're praying that if he gets baptized soon, they can go to the temple in one year! Je je for me that is cutting it close! But, it is  all up the them of course. But we are definantly start going to put more focus on being sealed in the temple with our families to those we are teaching. We're excited. 

Ya this email is pretty short je je sorry about that. But this week was fantastic. I love where I am at. I love being with my new companion, I love training, I love learning new things everyday, I love strengthening my relationship with our Heavenly Father each day, I love these people. I love this area. I just love it all!

Glad to hear you are all doing so well! I love and miss you!

-Sister Davidson 

Quiballio family! One of the LA familes we teach-they are so great! The husband is having a hard time coming to church, but Sister Quiballio always wants to come!

 Sister Dianne, and 2 of her kids. Je je the little baby is trying to sing the hymn with Brother Joey (our ward mission leader who is awesome)

 Part of our American 4th of July meal! It was amazing! We toatally planned it so well. It was amazing, delicious, and made me miss American food.

 So Sister Marcucci and I made this amazing Amercian meal, and then our mga kasama je je made their rice and ate the bones of our chicken more than they ate the American meal. Je je it was actually really funny. 

 how we grilled the corn je je

 our American meal!!!

Smores! For the life of me I could NOT remember the good quotes from Sandlot about how to make smores. so when we were trying to teach our mga kasama we couldn't teach like the kid in Sandlot.


They enjoyed their rice and chicken je je

Watermelon-it was amazing.

Seriously-so amazing. (and super expensive je je so we can't buy watermelon very often if ever je je. but we splurged b/c it was the 4th)

My attempt at grilling the corn je je it was hard b/c the husks kept catching on fire so we ended up boliling the corn after we grilled it

our way of smoring smores

 a beautiful area where we work!

ya this is about it. je je sorry this is a short email and not very many things to talk about. Okay but I love you so much and miss you!!! Don't forget to pray and have an actual converstation with our Heavenly Father and not just a one way conversation. I love you all!!!

-your favorite missionary!

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