Monday, July 1, 2013

Missionary Work...BOOM!!!! July 1, 2013

Hello Family!!!

Thank you so much for your emails! I sincerely sincerely appreciate it and I LOVE hearing from you and how you are doing, thank you!!

This week was fantastic! Absolutely fantastic! So many great things happened! Okay first... we had 2 successful baptisms and confirmations!!!!!!!! Ahhh we were so excited!!! It was so so great, and our two sisters-Sister Diane and Sister Jacquiline loved their experience and felt so good and felt the Spirit talaga. Si Sister Diane she had the night before a disagreement with her mother-in-law about her being baptized the next day. Her mother-in-law told her if she was going to be baptized she would not be welcomed in her home anymore. We are so thankful for the goodness of Sister Diane's husband. He is so great. He told her to follow her heart, if she felt it was right to be baptized, then she should go ahead and do so. So... she was baptized! None of her family came to her baptism which was actually very sad. But they are supportive in different ways! We are now hoping to work with her husband and teach him. He has a great personality and can really be strengthened by the fullness of this gospel. We will pray for opportunities to teach him, and we pray he will be baptized also. We know once he gets baptized, he can take his family to the temple to be sealed for time and all eternity. What a beautiful blessing eh? So that's our next step. Ah man it was such a great day!

Also... last night, we were blessed to watch the Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting at the stake center with all our Bishop's leaders, like that and okay... it was AMAZING. Amazing doesn't even describe it! Did you get a chance to watch it at all? If you didn't... WATCH IT!!! Okay seriously. Missionary work is going forward faster than ever before. The time is now. The time is here. The work is hastening. The time is now. Okay seriously I was so uplifted, so inspired, so excited for missionary work and the changes that are being made to hasten the work. One of the biggest changes is how much members are to be involved in missionary work. We as missionaries are the pianos, the members are the pianests. We teach-they find. Meaning... the knocking on doors like that is coming to an end. Members are to fill the missionarie's planners with so many appointments there is no time to knock on doors! It is so exciting! This is the way missionary work needs to be! It needs to be hand in hand with the members. I am so excited!!! I feel like I have caught the vision of the potential here in my area, and for missionary work throughout the world. If members and missionaries work together, the progress will be incredible. I am stoked. I pray that the members of our ward will catch the vision also. If we all can catch the vision... wow it is going to be great. I can see the progress already. Ahhh I'm so so so excited!!!! The leaders of our day are inspired talaga. They are receiving revelation from the Lord to hasten His work. They are sharing with us what we need to do to prepare for the time when He will come again. And check it out... WE get to be part of it! What a blessing!! The time is coming ha ha I just get so so so excited for this work to move forward! So this is me extending the invitation to all of you... join the work! Missionary work is moving forward with or without us. We can either be actively part of it or sit back and watch it move on without us. But nothing is stopping this work from progressing. I'm so excited. I'm so excited how this is going to change lives, how this is going to bless lives! Be part of it! Join! Do something! Don't just say you'll do something, actually do it! Ah man this is so great! I love it. 

Okay family. I love you so much. Forgive me for this email being somewhat short but know that I love you! I pray for you daily! Especially you Savanna and for Jr! I pray that all will go well for you in the next few weeks!! Ah man I'm stoked stoked stoked! We met a baby 1 day old the other day, he was adorable and I just wanted to hold him. I wish everybody at Jackson Hole will have a blast and a half and love their time up there! Be safe, have fun, enjoy each other's company, and when all else fails... hold your paddle high ha ha. 

I love you family! This church is true.The fullness of this gospel changes lives. Jesus Christ and His Atonement will help all of us no matter what we're going through. We must turn to Him in all things and He will help us. I love you and I'm sups glad we get to spend eternity with each other!

-Sister Davidson :) 

Pictures! :)

Last week in the afternoon on P-Day some of our zone headed up to the Montasario ni Cristo again for a bunch of the missionaries who hadn't been yet. We're in the Philippines which means...we squish as many people as we can into one van. It was crowded. And awesome. 

Ha ha I saw this picture and immediately thought of whitewater and Jackson Hole. Whitewater anyone?

The Sisters!

Sister Bongolto and myself! I love my anak! She is so great and teaches me sooo much!!
A view from the top... BEAUTIFUL!!!

Our district!!

 Great view eh? the Philippines is beautiful!!

FHE sa Clariz family! Sister Diane's family!

Ha ha I tried eba from the tree. Ha ha SUPER sour!! Sister Joy (a ward missionary) is showing me how to eat it. 

ha ha you can't fake a face like that. it was SOUR!!! and delicious too! Kind of like a super super sour candy, woow my face is cringing thinking of the sourness of it now.

Sister Diane's and Sister Jacquiline's baptism!!!

Ha ha Brother Joey-the baptizer. So we were going to have the elder's quorum president baptize them, but when we got to the church, the baptismal clothes were dirty so the clothes wouldn't fit him. So Brother Joey was the smallest so he got into the small clothes and was able to baptize them ha ha it was just funny. 

Sister Diane and Sister Jacquiline were so happy!

Yep she is my child, my anak. She is trying to eat peanut butter with her avacado. 
That happened and I was so proud. I LOVE Filipino PB!

There was a lot of rain. ha ha I love the rain! And it would be fun to walk in... except it is actually really, really dirty...

 You only experience life once right? ha ha I loved it!

 It was a lot of rain!

It was a lot of fun! Sister Joy-our ward missionary is awesome.

Okay that's all folks! I love you and hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do!

Love you!!! 

-Sister Davidson :)

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