Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 28, 2014


Thank you soooo much for your emails! It sounds like you had a great time in Moab and it sounds like your weeks have been going well! That's great! Glad to hear you're all doing well and staying healthy! 

This week has been... wonderful! Wow. It was wonderful. I was sooo blessed to be able to go to the temple this past week! Seriously, a huge blessing. We have been teaching Sister Irene for a long time now and she was a less active who has now become active again! We helped her prepare to go to the temple again and she did what she had to do and was able to go! We were blessed to be able to go with our ward while they went to the temple! Sooo blessed!

Anyway, the temple.... wow. It literally is the House of the Lord. The Spirit is so strong at the temple. Even if just on the grounds of the temple, there is a different feeling. We were across the street from the temple, and then when walking back to the temple and getting on the grounds again-it was like night and day. There is a feeling of peace that comes with the temple. I love it. I just am at a loss of words for the wonderful feelings I had while at the temple. I am so grateful that I was able to go. Such a blessing. 

This past week we had an investigator from Manila come to church! He's come to our church before, but he studies in Manila. Whenever he is here he asks us to teach him. Brother William is taking the lessons in Manila and is sincerely studying and searching for the truth in his life. He struggles with his family in making the choice to join the church or not. When teaching him, it was amazing how the Spirit took over and just talked directly to Brother William through us. We don't know everything about him, we don't know where the other missionaries are with teaching him and what not, but we do know that Heavenly Father is perfectly aware of what His son needs. And it was a humbling experience to teach exactly to Brother William's needs without knowing exactly what it was he needed. 

I know that Heavenly Father knows His children, so perfectly. He knows us, He loves us. He has a perfect plan for each of us and His plan is always better than our own plans for ourselves. When we choose to follow His plan, when we choose to submit to His will rather than do our own-it is amazing how happy we are. 

Thanks for your continued love and support to me here. I receive so much strength, protection, and so many blessings because of your continued prayers. Thank you. I love you so much! Choose to follow the Lord's plan rather than your own and we will be happier-promise :)

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson 

Pictures! :)

1. I had exchanges with Sister Tupua on her birthday! It was so much fun to be with her again especially for her birthday!
2. We had a Zone CSP sweeping up around the street! It was great!
3. 2 of our old Assistant's came back for a mission reunion and they came to our CSP to say hello!! these 2 old missionaries were some of the greatest missionaries ever and it was so fun to see them again!!
4. Taking turns taking naps in the van on the way to the temple! Leaving at 4am even though it's sooo early it was soooo worth it!

5. At the temple!!!! Bright and early!!! LOVE IT!!!!!

 ahhh I love Sister Ganancial soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. the best Kabahay ever!!!!! With Sister Wheat and Sister Jipus!

3. We love the temple!!!!

4. Sister Lea and I!!! I LOVE her!!! She is like my aunt here in the mission it's great. And it was a great blessing to be able to go to the temple with her!

5. AND it was great! When we were at the temple all the ward from my first area in Tarlac were there for a wedding! Because of the different schedules we were all on, we didn't get a group picture, but it was sooo fun to see all of them again! I was able to be with them when I first was new in the mission, and then when I went to the temple last December, and then when I was able to go to the temple again!!! They are really like my family here I love them!

 1. LOVE this temple!!!!

2. LOVE Sister Ganancial!!!

3. Trying to get baby Precious to smile ha ha. This is the daughter of Bro Allan and Sister Lea!

4. Group picture!!

5. Sister Ganacial is tall enough to stand up in the van!

 1. So these are the vans that we traveled in. ha ha doesn't look much like vans but more like big cargo cars you take big heavy duty stuff in.

2. On the way home ha ha

3. Trying to take a short cut to avoid traffic... Like the road to sennica again :) "where is the highway? the other way... why are you here looking for the highway?" that was a true conversation

4. At another Stake CSP!! Cooking this was the CSP. Jokes. Ha ha we just took a break from sweeping for the picture. :)

5. With the ward!! Ward 3 is the best!

1 Successful CSP with the Stake!!!

2. One of our investigators, Brother Red and his wife Sister Florence gettting their pool ready for their kids to swim in!

3. Cute right? The kids love to swim!!! 

4. With Brother William from Manila!

5. With Tatay Relito and his granddaughter!!! and Sister Jana Jiminez who worked with us!  

. Saying goodbye to my favorite family here ever!! The MaƱalac family... sooo cute!!! Fun fact. I am transferring later today and guess what... going back to Tarlac!! This will be my 3rd time in Tarlac!! It is an emerengency transfer b/c of the batch that I am going home with and with the new mission president coming in in July. Crazy that I'll be going back to Tarlac! ha ha I hope I get to go on exchanges in my old areas in Tarlac W3 and then in Lapaz!!! 

2. Then with Sister Ganacial!!! 

3. Ah love na love ko sila!! Sister Lea is so great and I'm going to miss her so much as well as miss Sister Ganacial!! 

That's all folks!! It was a TON of pictures but we went to the temple so of course there would be tons of photos. I love you all! Stay true to the faith and stay true to what you believe in! Go to the temple as often as you can! Always remain worthy to hold a temple reccomend and remember the covenants we make!!!!! 

Mahal ko kayo!!!

-Sister Davidson :) 

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