Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Kumusta Ka!

(don't ask me what any of the subject lines mean. I just copy and paste them)
Here is Marie's latest email:

Kumustaaaa Pamilya!

Ah thank you for your emails!! LOVE IT! I was talking to an Elder who was in my batch with me the other day and we were saying how we love to hear how emails from our family are the best. We want to hear everthing that you are doing. Even if it the same thing ha ha we never realized how badly we wanted to hear just about everything you are doing. While living not on a mission, if we heard from you and what you were doing the reply wasn't as enthusiastic. I've learned how important you are to me! I just am so interested in what you are doing with your lives! I love you! 

Okay this week was great. And the days I didn't take my camera with me were the days I needed pictures, and the days I did take my camera I didn't take any pictures... Meaning.. the pictures are kind of lame this week sorry.

Anyway. This week the Lord opened my eyes to how privileged i am. Also how split our ward is as in the rich are rich and the poor are poor. I've heard that is the way it is in most of the Philippines. Last Monday we went to have an FHE in a very humble home. We teach the Sister fairly often but never her husband. she wanted us to come to her house for FHE when he was home so we could teach the family. We sat outside, then it started to rain SO MUCH! ha ha ha I loved it! So we went inside and 6 of us crammed in and sat on the floor in the space about the size of the rug under the kitchen table. So small. They don't have electricity so we had our lesson and played games by candlelight. Ha ha it was so much fun! it was so neat and so fun to watch the couple laugh at each other by playing silly kid games. It was so neat. there truly are many blessings in the little things in life. So many good things in the little things. It continued to rain so much! I was told that wasn't even a little of how much rain comes in the rainy season. When we left their home we walked through water half way up to my calf! it was so fun! And I am so grateful that it was dark because if I could have seen what was in the water I'm positive I would have been disgusted. Actually, yes it was nasty. Ha ha I have culture shock nearly every day and I'm so glad and happy that the Lord is blessing me with good heath! Ew I can't describe how many germs I am sure are everywhere. I've come to accept that I will stay as clean as I can and I will trust the Lord to take care of me that I won't get diseased. ha ha sooo many things that ha ha I can't describe. Oh well ha ha I just laugh and then pray. Anyway, after that FHE we went to another family in our ward to have dinner with them. We walk in to their home and it ginormous! On the dinner table there is food galore, a table cloth, fans, electricity, etc. SO grandeur. They let us wash our feet and legs and shoes in their shower before dinner and dinner was delicious. After the event I couldn't help but keep thinking about how different the two different living conditions are and how both are happy. Both families want their families to be centered in Jesus Christ. I was amazed, and humbled. 
Another family we visited this week had so little. The food they were cooking while we were there looked like flavored water. My kasama is so kind and teaches me so much, gave all the snacks she had to them and took the headband off her head and gave it to the sister. They have so little. We're planning on going over there to teach and bring lunch with us so they can eat while we teach. Being here in the Philippines with all the changes, culture shock, etc. is so eye opening to me. At home I was always looking for the next best thing for me. Thinking about what can I do for myself to get ahead. Here they worry about feeding their family-that's it. They want to provide for their family the basic needs of life. How selfish I have been and still am. I complain about waking up for 9am church, and here some people have to decide whether to eat for the day or go to church with the money it takes to travel to the church. My life back home is so easy and so good to me. The Lord has blessed me so much with giving me this opportunity to be here and see what really matters. The gospel, and my family. :) 

What else happened this week... We had CSP (community service project) at a park like an hour away as a zone. It was so fun! We just swept the park up and helped to make it look beautiful. It was fun just to do physical labor like that. Also... I GOT TO WEAR MY CHACOS!!! OH I was so happy! I took a picture. I love those things. Those Chacos have been in Jerusalem, AND the Philippines! Check it out! 

The people here really are so kind. They are so funny too. Ha ha I stick out so much because i'm white. (even though I am definantly tan). Even when we are in a trike people stare at me. It's funny. And now I can understand more Tagalog that I realize how many people say to my kasama, "does she speak Tagalog?" I am positive that has been happening this whole time and only now I realize it ha ha. Tagalog is slowly and surley coming along. I'm amazed how the Lord blesses me with learning Tagalog. Just one month ago I've come so far in the language! that is for sure not to say I have a long way to go before I get comfortable and am able to speak and understand it. 

Dad I'm excited for you to change schools! I'm glad you feel comfortable with the new change. too bad you can't ride your bike or walk... but let's be honest.. how many times did you walk or bike to school now ha ha? I still vote you bike to Lake Powell. I think you will love it and I think this is a once in a lifetime chance you have in front of you. i vote you take it ;) Darla i'm excited for you to buy baby toys for the house. I always feel bad when we have little kids come over and have a limited supply of toys for them. You'll be an awesome grandma, I can tell. And Dad you're going to be the greatest grandpa ever! Ha ha I wish I could see your face when you hold Jr. for the first time and when you see him for the first time. Ah I'm so excited for Jr! No joking, everytime I see a baby I think of my future nephew! Savanna and Ry I'm glad you are enjoying living at home close to family. i hope your talk went well! We have to talk this Sunday in church.It'll be grand. And my talk is going to be short I think as 1. my vocab in Tagalog is limited and 2. i'll probably be nervous and talk really fast. Oh well! 

I love you all sooooo much! soooooo much!! Thanks for everything you do for me! 

Oh! also if you want to send a package to me... could you send me some Tums? and Thank You cards? We have so many people to thank here and I feel so tacky giving a piece of lined paper to them. But don't feel a need to send anything immediately as I'm sure as time goes on I'll think of more things. Ha ha sorry... And don't feel obligated to send anything at all. There is probably an equivalent of tums here that I can find, and it's the thought that counts, not the tacky paper. So really, I'm fine :)

Oh one more thing! Ha ha the people here LOVE karaoke. Ha ha no joke. There is Karaoke everywhere. And the other day our neighbor was playing on full blast One Direction! "What Makes You Beautiful" was stuck in my head for like an hour. It was during personal study when the song came on and I just laughed out loud at how funny it was. Ha ha the people here love American songs. 
Also another funny thing they say is "yeaah boyy" ha ha trying to mimic American slang. 
Okay I love you!!!! 

-sister Davidson :) 

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