Monday, April 8, 2013

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

eating Halo Halo for the first time (hopefully not the last) it's like ice/milk/fruit combination that is delicious 

the nice Filipino people I talked to the whole time on the flight from Hong Kong to Manila! They helped my Tagalog a lot and gave me my first realiztion of how little I know. 

crazy traffic. Except now it is normal to me, and is a great system!

a pretty garden kind of close to where we live!

Sister Tauilili (MTC companion) and I at the famous map
Sister Lizzy Matthews and I at the famous map. (Marie's roommate)

I was sooo excited to get on the plane for Hong Kong! It was so luxurious! and so nice! I love flying!

Trina and Brittany my MTC cafeteria friends

the freakin' big breakfast they gave us on the plane! for free! Well the price was probably included in the ticket

The maps from the plane 

Manila Temple (the Manila MTC is across from the temple and so we saw it when we picked up the 7 missionaries from the Manila MTC)

Me eating fish for the first time (from last week I told you about it)

FHE with the members playing a game

Visiting members in the ward

The members attending Brother Abcde's baptism-the members here are incredibly supportive and soo great at helping the missionaries. I'm amazed at how kind and how much time the members give us
Sister Frejas (my kasama (my companion) and me with Brother Abcde

Outside the church for Brother Abcde's baptism

We made it to China

The sunset....soooo pretty! The sun goes down so early here and the stars come out so early! It's like day light savings time in the winter where it gets dark so early. Only difference-it doesn't get cold. ALL the stars are out at like 7pm and the sky is sooo pretty to look up at. 

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