Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pictures April 21, 2013

My chacos!!!

A ginormous spider in our room. Thankfully my kasama killed it. Ahhh it was nasty. it was right in the morning and it defiantly woke  me up

The outside of our house we live in. We have a really nice place! there is a mango tree right in front also! Also I don't know if you can see it but we do our laundry on the left side of our house and hang up all our clothes right there.

Our kitchen

where we sleep its like a big loft upstairs where all 4 of our beds are. can you recognize which one is mine? Also no sheets...WAY too hot for that

Marie's bed is the one with the bright green sheets.

The CR (also known as the bathroom) You use the bucket to flush. And you use the bucket and the little ladle thing for your shower. The bucket shower thing is not bad! and is actually very simple and great! We also have another shower room with a shower head that I actually use. While the bucket system is fantastic, I'm not very fast at it so I resort to using the other shower with the shower head.

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