Monday, April 29, 2013

Nakakapagpabagabag-say that 3 times fast

Kumusta family!

Fun fact on the subject. Nakakapagpabagabag means like, you're troubled/uneasy feeling sort of thing. But really it is just more fun to say that's why I put it as the subject. We were doing tongue twisters the other night, "She sells sea shells... fuzzy wuzzy was a bear...." etc. and that word is definantly a tongue twister ha ha. ONE word! When I was trying to say it I thought it was like 3 different words! False. it's one word. 

Thanks for your emails!!! LOVED them! 

Okay Darla, I can' believe you've never seen all the Harry Potter's before. Good work Father for fixing that. I'm glad to hear the weather is warming up and you are doing some spring cleaning. Ah spring, what a great season. Are there lots of mom's tulips in the front yard now? Holy cow I can't believe it is basically already May! Also, CONGRATULATIONS RYAN!!!! Good work on graduating from BYU! I'm glad it was a good, short and sweet ceremony and that you went to it. Savanna I still feel bad you never really got a graduation... BUT you graduated amid all that was going on and THAT was an accomplishment. good work! Not going to lie, I've always wanted to try Pizza Pie Cafe and have yet to do so. I've heard it is delicious and the dessert pizzas are the best. Dad seems to attest to that as well, raspberry dessert sounds delicious. 
Also, I'm SO happy you were going to have the missionaries over for dinner!! I had that written down of what I wanted to tel you this week! Have the missionaries over for dinner! I never realized how important working with members are. I vote you work with them. Darla you should listen to the message they have! I'm like 100% positive they will teach you the basics of what you already know, but I know they have so much more to teach you! and I know that you are already familiar with the basic, but the beautiful thing about the gospel is just that-it is all simply basic! I'm so glad you were going to have the missionaries over for diner! And mmmm. I love me some Hawaiian haystacks. However I'm not really craving them right now as we eat rice everyday. Ahh I'm sad you're not going to Jackson this year. I love that place! Even more so after living and working up there last summer. Ah man what an adventure, loved it! Will you maybe go for the weekend? If you go pllleeeease take pictures and send them to me! Especially of the Snake! Ahhh I love Jackson Hole. Jackson Hole, and Lake Powell-2 favorite places ever. The Philippines is getting up there though also. Ah when it is July that means Jr will be coming! When is the due date again? 27th of July? Whenever people ask about my family I always mention my future pamangking lalaki (nephew). 

Okay well this week has been fantastic! None of our investigators are really progressing which is really sad. They don't come to church, and in order to be baptized, they need to go to church consistently. I was suppossed to give a talk yesterday in church but at the last minute the Bishopric felt impressed to talk so they did. Ha ha they talked about and chastized about being on time for church. Ha ha I just sort of laughed and completely agreed with everything they were saying. Islander time... I just don't wear a watch anymore because when I do I just stress about how we are always late. If I don't know the time, I can't be stressed out about it. And it would be something we could work on as a companionship, but it's hard when it is all the Filipinos including those we teach. So as long as we are on time out the door in the morning, coming home at night, and to meetings, etc. I just don' worry about the rest because they don't. 

This week we had our Trainers/Traninees meeting meaning all the new missionaries and their trainers came together for a "you've been here for 5 weeks how do you feel?" meeting. It was fun! There were only half of my batch there as the other half meet somewhere else due to distance. I got to see Sister Tauillil my MTC kasama! It was so fun! it was fun to see lots of missionaries from my batch and to see how they're doing after 5 weeks. Crazy we've been here 5 weeks now! 

The people we work with are so kind and I am so grateful for them. i can't really think of any sweet stories to tell from this week alhough it was a great week! Oh Savanna, remember our neighbor who plays One direction on his karoeke? the other day it was HSM and I toats thought of you. ha ha it was the song from number 2 when she is leaving in the get away van. Ha ha ha I just thought of you and it made me laugh. Reember when you were getting me ready for Prom and you insisted we listened to the prom song from HSM3? Ha ha good times. 

Okay I love you all so much! I'm sure I'll think of a million things I want to say as soon as this email is over but know that I love you and think about you! Love you!

The church is true! Christ loves us and He wants us to return to Him. Ah man our Savior is so kind to us, He know each of us individually, He knows how to help us,and  He knows how we feel. Our Heavenly Father knows us and knows what we need even before we ask. It is important for us to have a relationship with Him, He only wants what is best for us and He knows living the gospel of Jesus Christ will make us happy.

Mahal kita!!! 

-Sister Davidson :)

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