Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 20, 2014


HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!! Maligayang Pasko ng Pagkabuhay!

Thanks for all your emails to me with the great pictures! I love seeing and hearing how you're doing! 

This week has been great! I was able to be a witness to the results of faith and hard, disciplined work. We were able to achieve many of our goals this week because of focused work and because of faith. I have been having many good conversations with Heavenly Father and I have been asking to see where I might improve. I have goals for myself that I haven't been able to accomplish. I have been unsure why things are not working out the way I expected them to work out. But I've been learning much about faith and about much disciplined and hard work bring results and I am seeing the wonderful benefits of it. It is exhausting, and it is sooo worth it. As in so worth it. 

This week we've been working a lot with our favorite family! The Mañalac family! Wow they are the best. Seriously, we are working so hard and doing everything we possibly can to help them recognize their answers from Heavenly Father. We know He is giving them answers, and so we are trying to help them recognize the Spirit. During one of our lessons Brother Troy was able to open up about his hesitations. He has grown up and been extremely involved in his own religion with his family. If he makes the decision to change religions, it will be going against everything he was taught growing up. It will be going against their family's religion. It is a big big step for him and he's not sure what to do. We were able to patiently listen and with the Spirit help him figure out what he wants. Help him figure out if this really is Christ's true church, if the sacrifices he will be making really will be worth it or not. It is a big big step for him right now and for his family. Because we know of the truthfullness and the blessings of living the Gospel and of making the decision to follow Christ no matter what, we are lovingly helping him and his family make their own decision of what they want to do. Please pray for this family. They truly are sooo great and their potential is amazing. But they need help recognizing their answers from Heavenly Father. In the Lord's timing, everything will work out. 

I love you family! I know that blessings come to us when we live the gospel of Jesus Christ. He made the ultimate sacrifice for us when He Atoned for our sins. When He did everything for us. It is the ultimate evidence of love. Especially this past week of Easter. What a beautiful way to celebrate the life of Jesus Christ and also of His death and especially His resurrection. I was so lucky to spend Easter going to church, partaking of the Sacrament, and then going and sharing to everyone around me about the Atonement and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I couldn't have been doing anything better this Easter than that. I am so blessed. This Gospel brings blessings to our lives we don't even realize, but the blessings are abundantly there.

Mahal ko kayo. I know that Jesus Christ loves you. When we draw close to Him, He draws close to us.

-Sister Davidson :)

1.Sister Claire making the fire for them to cook their food. She's 11 years old and she makes a fire better than me! I'm so impressed with the skills of Filipinos

2. Exchanges with Sister Carter! These 2 youth were baptized this past weekend and we were able to help prepare them more for what would specifically happen at their baptism. They are so excited! 

3. Sister Carter! Working in her area in Kalikid!

4. Eating ice cream with the Mañalac kids! They are the best!

 1. Mirinda with NAnay Tolentino and Sister Fabillion on exchanges! this Nanay... Nanay Tolentino is seriously the best Nanay in the world ha ha. She works EVERYDAY with the missionaries alllll day too! She just puts puts around and laughs all the while. She's the best.

2. With the convincing power of adorable children we were able to get Sister Ganacial to pull this awesome face!

3. Working with a couple from a different ward to help the Mañalac family! Brother Troy and the Sister were work mates a long time ago! They met each other again at the Come Unto Christ fireside and we got them to work with us! Later today we're going to their house for an FHE with the Mañalac family! Should be great!

4. Can't you see why we love this family soo much!? They're the best. Please include them in your prayers!

1. Sister Wheat is the best and made us Easter Pancakes for dinner!! It was soo great! I love our kabahay! 

2. Loving the self-timer shots! 

3. I love Sister Ganacial!!!!! Best ever! 

That's all folks! Sure do love you all! Remember to never doubt the Lord but rather act on the so so quiet promptings we recieve from the holy Spirit. The Spirit will never guide us astray. Promise :)

Love you all! Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :) 

. Kaela, Alexandria, and JJ feeling the American spirit! These are the kids of the Mañalac family who I love so much! They truly are such cute kids!!

2. Ha ha so randomly Alex and JJ started pulling faces and it was so adorable we took pictures.

3. Tatay holding up his Mga Pinil ng Aklat ni Mormon from when the missionaries gave it to him back in the 90s. All missionary work makes a difference!

That's all folks! Thanks for your love and support! I sure do love you all and I know if you will put the Lord first, everything as in everything will fall into place better than you could imagine. Love you!

-Sister Davidson 

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