Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March 31, 2014


Okay thank you so much for all your emails! It sounds like life is going great, you're staying busy and staying busy being happy!

This week was fantastic! Ha ha exhausting but soooo great. I love love love everything about being a missionary!

This week I learned a lot about the enabling power of the Atonement. It is so great, so indescribable how much power is in the Atonement. Whenever anything, whatever anything happens in life, it is always tied in to the Atonement. We can draw power from that over and over and over and over again. It is amazing. I've had many experiences when I've been so exhausted in so many ways, but because the work needs to go on, I ask in humble prayer for His power to get me through the day and boom all of a sudden once I get off my knees it's like I'm a new person re-energized and re-full of everything to continue on with the work. It's amazing. I've often wondered how in the world the leaders of the Church get through everyday as I can only image how incredibly busy they are everyday. And then I have experiences like I've had with asking for the power to get through and I know how they get through it all. It really is amazing. The power in the Atonement. I am so grateful and cannot describe what an amazing blessing it is that Christ was willing to do that for each and every one of us. The Atonement does not just cover our sins-which is a huge huge part-but the Atonement I'm learning gives us more enabling power than I ever before had imagined. 

This letter is short, ha ha always it's like that but know that I love you! And I pray for you and your progression in your coming closer to Christ. He is there. Always. This week we have a Musical Missionary Fireside that is going to be amazing and the theme is Come Unto Christ. We've been practicing a lot for it, and it should be a great turn out. The youth theme this year is Come Unto Christ and it is amazing. We're singing the one song Come Unto Christ (if you haven't heard it, check it out on www.youth.lds.org-amazing.) But Seriously, the invitation to come unto Christ is truly powerful. I know, He is there for us. He is there for each and everyone of us. It's up to us to move to Him. He waits for us and when we move towards Him, it is truly an amazing change in ourselves that happens.

I love you. Mahal na mahal ko kayo! 

-Sister Davidson


1. Last P-Day we went to a fancy all you can eat mirinda place that was super cheap and super delicious!!!! Super cute decorations by the way. 

2. Nanay Tolentino!! Okay so this was on exchanges with Sister Laiti who by the way is an AMAZING missionary from Austriallia and who is o talented in so many ways! Anways. This Nanay is 65 years old is amazing! ha ha she is also hilarious.  She has a son on a mission and she asked to work with the missionaries all the time. So she does. She puts puts around all day, all day and just walks along and talks the whole time saying the greatest things. Best thing. She has a huge crush on the prophet Joseph Smith! Also on Thomas S. Monson. She says Joseph Smith is much more handsome though. It's hilarious b/c she is so sweet and in every single prayer she says, she never forgets to mention Joseph Smith's name. Ha ha it was great and we had a good time with her. Ha ha ah man I love this Nanay and I wish she was in our area. 

3.Teaching a LA family in Sis Laiti's area. They are also hilarious and they have the cuttest kids one of who is special needs and is just the sweetest boy ever. It's always great to see pure love like the love of those who have special needs. 

4. Then I was able to go on exchanges with Sister Caoile! She led her area for the first time and was super nervous but did a great job! This is also a less active in their area who is very kind and has the cutest daughter ever named Chloe.

5. Princess! And myself with glasses. these are actually the glasses of Sister Ganancial but for the sake of the picture I borrowed them so that I could look like this little toddler Princess who is the daughter of a LA in our ward Sis Lyn!

6. Princess is a real star in glasses!

That's all folks! I forgot to take pictures with Sister DeGuzman who I also had exchanges this week but it was a great time the 2 of us had in our area! 

Sure do love each of you! Make sure you do what you need to do in order to come closer to Christ always! 

-Sister Davidson :)

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