Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014


Hello!! Thank you so much for your emails! Loved them! Sounds like it is warming up there and you are all excited for the Spring! Enjoy the goodness of spring! Eat lots of Peeps for me!

This week was great! We were able to watch General Conference this past weekend!!!! Ah man it was great! I LOVE General Conference. All the talks were perfect, they were all inspiring, and they were all coming from the Lord for us! It was great. If you ask me my favorite, they all were my favorite. I loved all of it. I really liked President Monson's talk about just loving more. About just having more charity. I really like how it seems as if all the talks of President Monson are always about just following the example of the Savior. For me it is an example of how President Monson is truly a prophet of God. He doesn't self-claim himself to be a prophet, or he doesn't ever bring attention or call the fact that he is a prophet, but he is a humble servant of the Lord who when he speaks, the love of God is felt through him. I love it. 

This week I've learned a lot about faith. We were reminded about the faith that the early pioneers had. In studying the scriptures I have been noticing the strong faith of all the prophets and their devotion to staying true to the faith. The prophets had it hard. They were persecuted, they were rejected over and over again not just by strangers but by their own family and friends. They continued to be true to Jesus Christ. They continued to fear God more than they feared man. During Conference I learned a lot about being a determined and dedicated disciple. There will always be opposition to good, meaning there will always be the opportunity to stand up for what we believe in. Sometimes that means we will stand alone. But we really are never alone as Christ is there for us. Christ is the ultimate example of standing up for what was right. He really was the absolute perfect person ever. He really is the Son of God. He choose not to commit sin, He had the ability to, but He chose to resist and to choose the right every time. The little negative things that pass through our heads sometimes. The negative things we think of others at times. The unkind judgements we sometimes make. The things we fail to do everyday simply b/c we're too tired, or we've had a long day. When we make excuses for ourselves, He never did that. Wow, I love our Savior Jesus Christ. He really is everything. I know that if we will follow up, if we will have faith in Him, all things will work out. We will have the courage to stand up for what we know to be right. We will be happy, and Christ and Heavenly Father will be happy with us. 

I love you all so much! I hope you're doing the little things EVERYDAY that will bring you closer to our Savior Jesus Christ. Don't make exceptions for ourselves, don't make justifications for ourselves if we should do something but we put it off for whatever reason. I know that when we follow the Savior with full purpose of heart, we will be blessed more than we can ever imagine. 

Mahal ko kayo!
Choose the right. Stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for what you know to be right.

-Sister Davidson 

pictures! :)

1. We had FHE at the Abenoja family! (they are less active in our ward) It was a lot of fun with a lot of great games!

2. The ward! 

3. The Abenoja family! AND we were soooo excited b/c they ALL came to General Conference!! When we asked how they liked it they said it was inspiring!! We were sooo excited they came!

4. We had a GREAT CSP in our area helping the community help widen the drainage system, which is very needed.

5. Some of the Sisters mixing the cement together! Crazy how easy it is, and then I think we make things so complicated in the States, just saying. 

1. The Elders moving big chunks of old cement to be broken down and be made into new cement! 

2. Good work Sister Gancial! And good work Elder. Supervision is always needed as Dad is so good at teaching us ha ha.

3. And then putting the cement in the block things which make it all stick together! Yep we could totally start a construction group. But... we wouldn't hire ourselves.

4. After a morning of work, the nap is necessary.

5. Go CAB Zone!!! 

 Getting fancy with the camera! I love Sister Ganacial!

2. Elder Wong and  Elder Illustrisimo our great Zone Leaders!

3. CAB ZONE!!! BEST Zone literally ever! This was right before transfer day! Every single companionship was changed with this transfer except for Sister Gancial and myself! Blessing that we get to stay together! But our zone literally is sooo different now as half the zone is now gone and we have so many new missionaries. It will be interesting how everything will be different and so great!

4. Little JJ pulling faces again! I don't know where he learns them all but I love it!

5. Little Precious is a great driver! Working with Bro Allan and Sister Lea our amazing ward mission leader and his wife.

That's all folks! 

I hope you enjoy the pictures but more importantly I hope you feel my love when I send them all! You all are great and I love you so much! I KNOW if you make the Book of Mormon a big priority in your life, you will meet Jesus Christ more than you ever have before. He is our Savior. He is our Redeemer. Without Him we are nothing. With Him, all things are possible. With Him, we have the ability to become like Him. Get to know Him. Let Him be your best friend. You won't regret it.

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)

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