Sunday, March 16, 2014

February 16, 2014


Thank you so much for your emails to me!!! Also, I got the birthday card you sent me this past week!!! Thank you! Thanks Dad for the letter-LOVED it!!! I love mail ha ha, who doesn't? Especially as a missionary? I also got a "heart attack" from Jon, Steph, Steve, and Sheree and their families-thanks!! Perfect, literally, perfect timing for Valentine's Day! Also I got a kind birthday card from Bishop and CarrieAnn Jensen-thank you!!!! I have so much support here, thank you all!

This week was... FANTASTIC!!! I love every day of being a missionary. We gave our ward a workshop/fireside about doing the simple things everyday so that they can build their own testimonies in which case, their desire to share their testimonies with others (missionary work) will increase! It was great. I love going back to the simple things. We really taught and emphasized about "feasting upon the words of Christ" and actually communicating with our Father in Heaven. When we are doing the simple things daily-studying the scriptures, and really praying-our testimonies are strengthened and our desire to share our testimonies grow. When we are doing the daily thing, our relationship with our Savior and Heavenly Father grows, and we are happier. The little, daily, consistently little things, makes ALL the difference in the world. 

Exchanges this week were great also! I was with Sister Carter who is a brand new missionary from Roy Utah and is great! She is still new in the mission and it felt like I was training again. It was so much fun! Helping her understand the little things about missionary work, helping her with the culture shock, it seriously was so much fun. I love helping people adjust to missionary life! Then later in the week I had exchanges with Sister Knuddsen from CA who is great also! She is a very quick learner and defiantly taught me a lot through her strong personality and her excitement in sharing the gospel to literally everybody around her. Ah man I love this calling it is so so great and I learn so many things on every exchange! I love it!

Yesterday we met our neighbor for the first time! Brother Michael is actually from Pakistan, who has been here about 5 years for work, speaks Tagalog very well, but is not fluent in English but only in his native tongue of Hindi. Ha ha it was actually pretty funny. One Pakistanian, one American, both in the Philippines talking to each other in Tagalog. While teaching him, it was hard b/c he isn't familiar with gospel words for one, and another Bro. Michael is not familiar to them in Tagalog. Blessing that he had WiFi, so we pulled up Preach My Gospel in Hindi and had him read for himself in his language so he could better understand. We are excited to teach him again, but it will be interesting b/c he doesn't have a Christian background. His religion is Sikh, and I don't know too much about that religion, but I'm sure I'll learn more about it soon. It's interesting b/c here in our area before there was a Sister who also was from Pakistan who spoke Hindi and they taught him and gave Bro Michael pamphlets and what not in Hindi, but she was transferred and so it didn't continue. And the pamphlets she left with him, he gave to his Brother in a different part of the Philippines. So... the Lord prepares people as in putting people in our paths for us to be ready. We're excited to teach him and we know that despite the obvious language barrier-the Spirit will be the true teacher.

This week was awesome-as is every week! Thanks for the continued love and support! I love and pray always for you that your continually and consciously  working on strengthening your testimony about Jesus Christ and what He did for each of us!

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)


1. I got Sister Reyes to try Smores! She said they were good but she's not fond of sweets... so more Smores for me!

2. Exchanges with Sister Carter! She is so sweet and so full of excitement ha ha it was fun to be with her for the day!

3. Ha ha teaching Brother Arjay (our recent convert) about the Plan of Salvation again. We have these pictures we always use (because let's be honest who doesn't love to learn through colorful pictures?) and ha ha we laid out all the pieces for him to put the Plan back together again and it was hilarious. It was a good review for him and it was fun reviewing God's plan for us! 

4. Laughing and learning a lot while reviewing the Plan of Salvation!  

1. Exchanges with Sister Knuddsen!! She is sooo great! This is a picture with a family in their area who is so kind and so much fun! The wife is returning from inactivity b/c she moved and simply didn't know where the church was and her husband and their one 9 year old will be baptized in March! They are so cute and I wish they were in our area. Oh well, it was fun to teach them just the one time! I love meeting new people and hearing the testimonies of people and seeing the change in their lives b/c of Jesus Christ and His gospel! 

2. two foreigners squished in a trike meant for 2 small Filipinos! ha ha it was awesome! 

3. Sister Reyes, and Sister Leah and myself! This is the wife of our Ward mission leader and I love her!! Seriously we were friends in the premortal life, she's like an aunt to me here in the field I love it. They have 2 kids who are adorable and hilarious, and I just love Sis Leah!

4. Taking pictures with the YSA in our ward! Their testimoies are so powerful! and I hope sooo badly they choose to go on missions! Brother Bruce (on the left) is waiting for his call, and Brother Arjay (on the right) will wait a year until after his baptism and then go! 

 .1 . Sister Reyes only has one more Sunday here on her mission and then she goes home... so we took lots of pictures for herahh man I'm going to miss Sis Reyes!

2. And then with Sister Medina! Another ward missionary who has a powerful testimony!!

3. Ready to work with the ward missionaries!

4. And then we got locked out of our own bathroom this morning. But don't worry-with some nifty key picking skills we were successful and are able to use the CR again. 

That's all folks! Love you all soooo much! Thanks for everything you do for me! Keep doing what you know you should and always choose the right!

-Sister Davidson :)

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