Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 3, 2014


Okay thank you so much for all your emails!!! You're all the best! Ha ha you sound super busy but super good so ya! 

Okay so sooo much I want to talk about. So little time this week! Sorry in advance! 

Fun stuff. I got a companion again!!! Wow it was hard not having a companion. Working with ward missionaries, or being in a 3 some just wasn't the same. Even how great the ward missionaries are... there is something about having a full time missionary be with you, they have been set apart-and that setting apart makes all the difference in the world. So ya! I got a new companion!! Sister Ganancial is absolutely the best! She is our batch which makes it even funner! She's 26 from Ilo Ilo and amazing. It's fun. She's the newest Sister Training Leader so I get to train her what to do which makes it fun. It's great b/c she is already familiar with everything so I just have fine tune her in on the little details. She's going to be the BEST companion and STL ever! I'm excited!

Okay so this week. I had my first MLC! It was so amazing. MLC is Missionary Leadership Council (?) where all the leaders get together at the mission home with the mission President and his wife and we have a bunch of training, a bunch of council together in order to make the mission better! Seriously, best ever. Every missionary needs to have the experience of going to MLC. It was simply so spiritual, we had a lot of good discussions as leaders of what we're doing well, how we need to do better, what changes we need to make, etc. It was a really neat experience where the Spirit taught us a lot. 

This week also. Big test of my faith. Tatay Relito is suppossed to get baptized this weekend! BUT he fell through on one of the committments to be baptized so it is no longer going to continue which is a really big bummer. But b/c there is always repentance Tay is now going to work for getting baptized on the 29th of this month! Here is the leap of faith for me though. We're working as a mission to reach the standard of excellence for baptisms this month in March. Which means 1 baptism per missionary in the month of March. This is really going to take a miracle. It has never been done before in the mission and now we're working on it! We've been planning this for the past month and a half and now it's game time. So with Tay not being able to be baptized until the end of March, ah man we really need to pray he will do what he needs to do to make it to the waters of baptism. We know the Lord has right timing for everything, and we feel like this March is Tay's time. We're excited. Tay is also really excited. Actually that's a lie. When we told Tatay Reltio his baptism can't continue this Saturday he was pretty upset b/c he wants to be baptized but he has some things that he needs to work out first. But after talking and listening to the Spirit, he got excited again and re-committed himself to make those changes in his life. So pleeease pray for us. Pray for Tatay that he'll make the changes in his life so that he can become cleansed completely from his sins. Pleease pray also for our other investigators who are so close to making the right choices, but are not quite yet there. Pray that they will feel the Spirit strong enough when they pray, strong enough when they read the Book of Mormon, strong enough when they go to church, that they can know and choose for themselves to get on the path that leads to eternal happiness. Ah man, missionary work is hard ha ha and it is always a test of faith. 

Sorry I feel like this is a rushed email. Ha ha that's how it goes somedays. 

Sure do love you all! Get excited about doing things for the Lord! It's a miracle when we are instruments in His hands even if those things that we do are the little things that make just one person smile. 

Love you! Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)


1. Sister Ganancial!! And I at the mission home for MLC!

2. I got to be with my anak Sister Bongolto again!!! She also is a new STL and I got to spend MLC with her!! So much fun to be reunited again! And then with Sister Marcucci again! We were kabahay for 3 transfers! Many of my best times in the mission have been with these two amazing Sisters and now we were united again as STLs!! So much fun!

3. Sister Bongoloto and I with President Martino!! Amazing!!

4.  ALL the Sister Training Leaders for our mission!! 

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