Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 10, 2014


Okay what the!?!? Ha ha I feel like so much happened to you in the last week! With going shaving crazy to the face and head, and to Baby Linc looking no longer like a baby but like a big kid! What the!? Pictures are awesemoe, Thanks!!!

This week was fantastic! As EVERY week, EVERY day here in the mission is the best. If there is anyone on the line of should I go on a mission or not, definantly do it! It is the best. So great. But seriously, I hope everyone gets the chance to go  on a mission! Even if it's as a senior missionary couple-do it! We LOVE the senior couples here, as in we love them soo much.

Okay so lots happened this past week! It was great! This week has been a trial of my faith and just a reminder that we don't always get what we want right when we want it. Faith is a requirement before the miracle or blessing is seen. Remember Tatay Relito? He is still great and is still ready to be baptized! Hopefully, we pray, this Saturday! Okay but all of a sudden, this past Friday was the first time he asked us to come at a different time because he was feeling sick. He looked sick and so no problem for us to come back a different time. When we came back on Saturday, his neighbors told us he was in the hospital! What?? Sunday he was unable to come to church so after church we went over there with the Ward Mission Leader and his awesome wife (Brother Allan and Sister Lea) and Tatay was alive! Also he had changed in just a short short time. During his time in the hospital, just sickness of old age, he had time to really reflect what he wants out of his life at this time. He had time to look at what he's done in the past, where he is at now, and what he still has time to do. He had been incredibly humbled, and had been dependent on the Lord. We taught him about Priesthood and the power of healing. We taught him about the faith that is required before there are ever any miracles. Brother Allan offered if he wanted a blessing and Tay said yes. We asked if he had the faith to be healed, he paused, thought about it and said yes. We prayed with Tay before the blessing, and we asked Tay to give the prayer. He asked if Brother Allan would give it instead, as Tatay is always shy at first ha ha, Brother Allan agreed, and then Tay interuppted and said "well it's my house I guess I ought to give it" we laughed and then Tay gave the most beautiful, heart sincere prayer I've ever heard him give. He was communicating with his Heavenly Father in the most humble, childlike, submissive way I've heard. It was an emotional prayer for Tay, it was a very spiritual experience for all of us there. What an amazing experience for me. After the prayer the blessing was given, we left Tay with a smile on his face looking forward to the days to come. What a change I've seen in Tay Relito. What a change has come to him. In the things he has given up for Christ. He was addicted to coffee and ice tea, he gave it up ha ha relunctly at first but he did it. He walks to church, about a 10min walk for us, a lot longer for an old man like him. His neighbors ask him where he's going, they invite him to drink with them, but he stays true to Christ. What a deep change I've seen in Tay. How grateful I am for the experience I've had with watching this beautiful change happen in him. THIS is what is truly rewarding about missionary work. seeing others come to Christ, seeing the true, everlasting, eternal joy that enters into their lives. It is hard to explain. But it is amazing. I love it.

okay I love you all! Sorry this email is short again ha ha but that's how it always is! Just know I love you! I pray for you daily that not only are you doing okay, you're happy, but that you're making the little daily decisions that will bring you closer to your Savior. And I also pray that you are given experiences for you to help you come closer to Him. Enjoy those moments when they come. 

I sure do love you all sooo much! Sooo much! Christ loves you so much. I hope you can feel His everlasting love for you everyday. 

-Sister Davidson :)


1. Sister Ganancial and Brother Marlon laughing at FHE! Ha ha i love unposed shots of people laughing.

2. Sister Tauiliili and Elder and Sister Moser!!! Sister Tauiliili and I were able to go on exchanges together!! We were reunited once again! Being companions in the MTC together and then for 24 hours on exchanges! Wow. What an amazing change I've seen in her. She... is truly one amazingly strong individual and she is an inspiration to all, especially to me. And then Elder and Sister Moser!!! They were our next door neighbors in Camiling! And it was sooo fun to live next door to them! As in so fun! They took care of us like us Sisters were their grandkids! They go home next month so it may have been the last time we saw them. They're great though and I love them!!!

3. Ha ha trying to lock the church after using it. This was a cool experience. Sister Ganancial and I were asked to go and teach with Sisters Larson and Laiti to one of their investigators who has a deep problem and because of the language barrier, we were asked to come and help clear up misunderstandings. Good thing Sister Ganancial speaks Taglaog! But it was a neat experience to help the investigator and to see how much love that Sisters Larson and Laiti have for her despite the language barrier. 

 1. CAB Zone! The Zone leaders and us! Elders Wong and Illistrisasimo

2. Sister Ganacial, Sister Bongolto, ako, and Sister Littlefield! After MLC while waiting for the bus!

3. having a CSP at the church! Brother Allan our amazing ward mission leader, and Sister RJ and I are watering the plants!

4. Sister Ocampo and I at the CSP!

1. Exchanges with Sister Daly! She is my apo in the mission and she is amazing! From Samoa and loves to be happy! It was fun to go on exchange with her!

2. Going to mutual with the YW/YM in our ward! They asked us to come and share about missionary work! It was fun and the youth in our ward are awesome! 

3. Tay Relito with Sister Lea after the Priesthood blessing!!! 

1. Brother Allan with Tatay Relito!!!

2. And then with Sister Shermay, Brother Bruce, and Brother Arjay!!! 

3. CAB ZONE ACTIVITY!!! I love our zone!!! It's super fun with each other!!!!! 

That's all folks!! I love you soo much and thanks for all you do for me!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!! I hope your day is splendid with lots of fun not only for you but for all those around you as well!!! 

I know that this Church is true! If you have questions, pray and ask Heavenly Father and He'll let you know. He'll give you answer you need, the answer that is right for you. But He often gives us answers not while on our knees, but rather through our actions. When we go to church, when we read the scriptures, when we are doing service for others. It's interesting. :)

I love you!!!

-Sister Davidson :) 

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