Sunday, March 16, 2014

February 23, 2014


Thank you so much for your emails to me! You sound incredibly busy with painting and fixing up the house. Funny you're doing it all now so it's all nice and new just to leave it ha ha oh well. the next people who live in the house will appreciate your hard work!

This week was awesome! I love every week that I have to be a missionary. Seriously, it's so great. Bummer we weren't able to teach our Indian neighbors who don't speak English as our schedules keep conflicting, but we'll keep trying. This week we were able to teach Tatay Relito a lot with the SA members who make everything so much more fun. Tay was joking with the SA and in his prayer he asked for forgiveness for laughing so much when it was suppossed to be a spiritual lesson ha ha Tay is progressing and we're super excited for him. At church he was shaking hands with people and introducing himself and feeling part of the ward. AWESOME! We're excited for Tay. 

This week was also the last week of Sister Reyes!!! She left me yesterday to go to Tarlac, and then to Manila, and then back to Bicol as she is finished with her mission. It's so sad! It was sad to see her pack all her things, to see her testify and teach and do everything as a missionary for her last day. This next week she'll no longer be a missionary and she'll be starting her new life! Sister Reyes is great, she taught me a lot and I am so grateful for the transfer that we were able to be companions! Ah man I'll miss her. Thank goodness for internet to stay connected with people from all around the world!

So this week I was also able to have exchanges with Sister Larson from AZ and Sister Tui'one from... SOJO!!! Yep that was awesome. During every single exchange I have, it is amazing to me how incredibly, how perfectly God knows His daughters. I have been able to have the privilidege of being an instrument in His hands not only for those we teach everyday, but also during our exchanges for His precious daughters. It is amazing. As we talk and work together throughout the day, things come up and through the gift of the Holy Ghost, we are able to both grow and be strengthened and work out things that are giving us hard times in life. It has been a miracle to be a witness of how much God knows His daughters and He knows EXACTLY what they need.

Example. At the beginning of the transfer, Sister Reyes and I scheduled out when our different exchanges were, who we would do exchanges with, etc. As we did that, we felt good about all the exchanges except for the ones with Sister Larson and her companion. As we prayed about it, we felt prompted to change their date with another companionship. I don't even remember who the other companionship was, but we just felt we should change their date so we did. This past week we had our exchanges with them, and our exchanges were absolutely perfect timing for the Sister Larson and her companion. Sister Larson and her companion mentioned to both myself and Sister Reyes that had our exchanges been earlier, it would not have been as helpful. But as the exchanges were when they were, many many prayers were answered. I have a strong, strong testimony that our Heavenly Father knows HIS daughters, knows their needs, knows how to best help them. And I am incredibly grateful to be an instrument in His hands to help those whom He loves.

This week was great! This next week will be great! Good luck with everything you're doing! Stay close to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! Even though we're always busy, we always must make time to put Heavenly Father first in our lives. When we put Him first, everything falls into place. And when we're doing all we think we should be doing but we're still not seeing the answers or the blessings we're asking for-sometimes it just takes doing the right thing long enough to see the blessings, to see how His hand is in all things. So keep going. :)

Love you!

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)


1. Playing "In-djen-Pass!" for FHE!!! Such a fun game by the way and so hilarious! Our FHE was at the Mataeo family who is less active, and the Bishop, Brother Allan and his family, and Brother JR were able to come to the FHE to support. SO much fun! And the members being there to support and invite the Mataeo family to come back to church made ALL the difference... as they came to church yesterday!

2. Successful FHE!!! So much fun!

3.Wacky picture!

 1. Exchanges with Sister Larson from AZ! Don't remember where in AZ although it's super small town, close to the border. 

2. Some less actives that Sister Larson and I visited in their area and I don't remember their names. But they were so kind and made us laugh a lot. The one is pregnant, even though you can't tell, but she's super excited for her first child and for the life that he/she will live! We really encouraged her to come back to church, so her and her child and her family can grow closer to our Heavenly Father all together! 

3. Sisters Danica and Clair! They were baptized last December and are super cute and fun to teach! We have the opportunity every once in a while to teach their grandpa who is not yet a member but when we do get the chance to teach him, he really really loves what he learns. Especially about family history! When we taught about family history the grandpa was really involved and it was fun watching their family look at old pictures and then grow closer together through their history. The promise of Elijah the prophet is real!

1. Taking pictures at the last Sunday of Sister Reyes!!! I LOVE these people! Our ward is sooo awesome!!! Tatay Relito is next to me!

2. More ward members! Especially with Sister Leah and Brother Allan! 

3. Saying goodbye for forever to Sister Reyes! Ah man I'm going to miss her soooo badly!!!!!!!! 

 1. Sister Tui'one getting locked out of her house so we had her neighbor climb the fence ha ha to open it up for us. good memory.

2. Sister Tui'one got a package with peanut M&M's and was kind enough to share with me! Made me think of how many peanut M&M's dad can eat :) love you!

3. Saying farewell to Sister Reyes!!! Love her!!

That's all folks! Thanks for your continued love and support! Love you all sooo much! Mahal ko kayo! don't forget to say your prayers every morning!

-Sister Davidson

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