Monday, March 24, 2014

March 17, 2014


Thank you so much for all your emails about your weeks! LOVED the pictures Savanna, as in Linc is getting so grown up! The SoJo house sounds like it is closer and closer to being done if it is just slowly. Good work on all the work you're putting into it! Also glad you had a great birthday Dad! Ry isn't your birthday in April? That'd be really embarassing for me if it was and I missed it.. so to save me from embarassement do you want to tell me when it is? thanks!

This week. Was Spiritually powerful week. We had Zone Conference this past week and because it is almost April, the entire Zone Conference was focused on the Atonement and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. President Martino is awesome. For his part in the program, he hardly spoke at all. Rather he had put together the Bible Videos of all the events surrounding the Atonement. Starting from the Sacrament and ending with the Resurrection. In between different videos he had selected different verses from different Hymns about Christ to be sung. It was Spiritually powerful and I learned a lot. I learned a lot about how the Atonement covers absolutely everything. No matter how or what we experience, no matter how or what we feel, Christ has done it too. Every.single.struggle that we face-Christ knows EXACTLY how we feel-because He has also experienced it. He has been there before, and because He has been there, He knows EXACTLY how to help us. The Atonement doesn't just cover and help us in times of struggle, but it applies to when we are happy in life, it applies to when we are feeling the blessings of God in our lives. It's amazing. The depth of the Atonement is indescribable and I don't know if I will ever understand it's full power. But I do know that as we continue to apply the Atonement in our lives, our minds will be opened. We will better understand what He did for us, we will better understand the magnitude of His love for us. The magnitude of Christ's love. The magnitude of Heavenly Father's love for us. It is amazing. I am unable to describe it, but I know it's real. 

There were also other experiences I had this week which testified to me that as a missionary, I truly represent the Lord Jesus Christ in His work. To be an instrument for Him, to be an instrument also in the loving hands of Heavenly Father, is an amazing and indescribable opportunity which I am ever grateful for. To be short, Jesus Christ loves His brothers and sisters. Heavenly Father loves His daughters and sons. There is no other way for me to say it, it's just true. It's just real. It's always there for us. It will never stop. 

I love you! Thank you for your continual love and support to me! Please continue to pray for those we are teaching and helping return back to their Heavenly Father. Tatay Relito should be baptized this Saturday! Please pray that he will physically and spiritually be strong to make this important step in his life. I hope you are searching the Book of Mormon and the scriptures to find answers in your lives. The answers are there. We continually hold them in our hands. It is just up to us to find them in the scriptures. But I testify that I know that they are there. We're not going to find them by casually reading the scriptures, but it will take our time and our concentration not only through our reading but also in our prayers with our Eternal and Heavenly Father. When we find our answers, the Spirit is real and will testify to us of what we have found to be truth. 
I love you! I know, without a doubt, I know- that Heavenly Father loves His children. He is there for us whether we ask for His help or not is up to us, but He will not leave His children, He never will. He gave His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ to us, the greatest act of love, He gave Jesus Christ to us so that we have the chance, it is possible, for us to return to His perfect presence. Jesus Christ loves us. He was the only perfect person, which means He has the most perfect love in the history of the universe, He has that perfect love for His brothers and sisters He has that perfect love for you. I love Him, and I know He loves each of you. 

-Sister Davidson :)


1. 3 Generations! My anak, Sister Bongolto, and her anak Sister Daly at Zone Conference!

2. Sister Training Leaders from Cab and Guimba! Sister Bongolto and Sister Littlefield!

3. Sister Tauiliili and Sister Tui'one!!! LOVE those two girls!!! Sooo much!

4. Sister Merwal! My companion from Camiling!!! 

1. Making the ever delicious American dessert for our sweet companions who have never tasted the sweet goodness of Smores!!! 

2. Mmm soooo good! 

3. Birthday of Sister Larson!!!! Happy birthday!!!!! 

4. We love us some good cupcakes! Okay actually these cupcakes were incredibly delicious. Like I felt like I was eating Maddie's cupcakes :) mmmm 

1. Tatay Relito!!! Sister Ganancial brought her Tagalog Big hymn book so Tatay could see and read the big words in Tagalog. He loved it. He asked her to point with her fingers the words so he wouldn't get confused. Ha ha he joked with us how he has no idea sometimes where we are in the song b/c he'll jump over to the next page without realizing it, or he'll jump to verse 2 before verse one is over simply b/c he forgets about the way the hymns are written. Tatay Relito is seriously hilarious and always jokes and laughs at himself and his old age. 

2. Ha ha Sister Ganacial not being able to open our own front gate. This is the front of our apt by the way. Fun note-this apt is the BEST apartment I have ever lived in. Seriously it is sooo nice! And Sister Ocampo and Sister Wheat from Draper Utah are our beautiful and amazing kabahay!

3. This is Sister Ruby and Brother Troy and 2 of their 4 kids. Their family is AMAZING!!!! As in they continue to search for the truth. They are some of our investigators who are progressing with their reading and prayers but they haven't yet come to church which holds them back. But no joke they are an amazing family and their potential in the church is amazing. The blessings they will receive as their family if they choose to join the church and then be sealed eternally as a family... is amazing. Whenever we teach them, I'm reminded of the De Jesus family and the great blessings they received when they were baptized. ahhh man keep them in your prayers also! Also their one child is asleep and looks dead in the tryke ha ha.

4. Just the BIG moon! It's sooo pretty!

That's all folks! I love you so much and I know we are blessed when we are obedient to what our Father in Heaven asks us to do!

Love you!!! 

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