Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Here is a copy of your missionary’s new assignment.

Sister Vivian Woodruff
Philippines Angeles Mission Office
Office Phone 045-491-0587

Philippines Angeles Mission
"Where Only the Finest Serve!"

January 16, 2014

Sister Marie Davidson

Dear Sister Davidson:

Congratulations on your appointment as a Sister Training Leader! In accepting this position, you accept a responsibility of great magnitude. It is exciting and gratifying
to see you develop the ability, faithfulness and obedience required to handle this important stewardship.

You are expected by the Lord and your missionaries to excel in all aspects of the work. Prayerfully study the responsibilities of your new calling.  The power of
your example will be tremendous, so put forth every effort to magnify your calling.  Gain the respect of your missionaries and become a source of help for them. Be a light and a servant leader!

You now have a major impact on the success of the Angeles Mission as well as upon the development of many sister missionaries.  It will also be a valuable experience
for you now and throughout your life.  Use this experience to grow by helping others grow.

I am informing your family of this accomplishment. I know they will be most pleased with your appointment as a Sister Training Leader. Continue faithfully in all
aspects of the work and enjoy the blessings the Lord has waiting for you in this new position.  Sister Martino and I look forward to the opportunity of working more closely with you in this new assignment.


David C. Martino

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you today on your birthday! I never get these to post, so I hope it works!
