Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 19 ,2014


Thank you for your emails! I love hearing from you and it sounds like life continues to be going well for you-good! Count our blessings at times like this!

So big news! I got transferred! I left La Paz this past Thursday and am now here in Cabanatuan Ward 3. So far, I love it!! La Paz was a small little town and the people were so so so kind, loooved them! And now here in Cab it's a city a lot like Tarlac so far. It's full of a lot of people which works out well for me b/c I love to talk to people. But so far it's great! My new companion is Sister Reyes from Bicol and this is her last transfer here in the mission. It will be super weird to be her last companion but it's going to be a great last transfer for her, it will be a great transfer for me. Also something crazy and humbling, I've been called as the new Sister Training Leader! So far, very very humbling and so far very very rewarding. I love it. It sounds like President Martino sent something to you about it but I'm not sure what he said. Anyway it goes like this. Sister Reyes and I are the STL's here in Cabanatuan. We will have exchanges 2x/week with all the sisters here on this side of the mission. It is going to be so great. I'm so blessed to have this new calling! I'm super excited. Also the Sister Missionaries here are so great, I am so blessed. 

So the new area is awesome. We have a fantastic ward and we have a bunch of great people we're teaching! We have a bunch of investigators who are struggling with their addictions to cigarettes. It's sad to see how addicted they are to them. Si Brother Carlito and si Brother Rodel come to church all the time, they read the Book of Mormon and pray, but for how long now, they've been addicted and they truly have such a difficult time leaving their addictions. They'll go for 3-4 straight weeks without any sticks, then they'll use just one and they'll have to start all over again. Addictions truly rob us of our agency. But here is the great thing, there is always hope. We always have hope no matter what our addiction is through the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. 

My reliance on our Savior has grown incredibly strong while I've been out here. He truly is everything. When we rely on Christ, we will be okay. It doesn't matter what's happening in our lives, if we keep Him at the center of our lives, if we try to live as He would live, we'll be okay. We'll be happy.

How grateful I am for Christ. How grateful I am for each of you. Thank you for your continued love and support and prayers in my behalf, in behalf of those we are teaching.  I hope you will continue to pray for those we are teaching, that they might have the strength to make changes in their lives in order for them to draw closer to Christ and have the Spirit in their lives. 

I love all of you soo much! And seriously, thank you so much for your love and support. This past week I got a bunch of letters from different people-thank you! The Jensens and the Stevens sent a Christmas card to me. Thank you! also last month or so I got a letter from Aunt Stephanie and then from Aunt Sheree, Uncle Steven and Emmy! So cute the letter I got from Emmy! thank you! Also one from Sister Powell! I seriously am so supported here in the mission-thank you! 

I love each of you and hope you are doing those things Christ would do if He were walking with you.

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)

P.S. My camera is still broken so no pictures this week. But I've been videoing still and it's been awesome! But the computer isn't reading my card so I can't find the videos on my SD card so I can't send them... bummer. But it's okay I'll buy a new camera later and so hopefully we have pictures next week! Love you! 

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