Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 6, 2014


Happy 2014!!!!!! How are each of you?? I hope each of you are doing well and loving life, had a good 2013, and so far are having a great 2014! 

Okay so that's a bummer your flights got cancelled out to South Bend but cool that Ry and Savanna and Link were able to come home! So neat! Fun stuff for everyone. 

This week was as great as ever. It was fun spending New Years' in the Philippines. That's for sure. We didn't do anything outstanding or crazy as we had an early curfew. But we went to an early dinner with our Branch President and we ate some great Spaghetti then we went back home. Because we had to stay home, we sat out on the porch and watched fireworks go off from our neighbors. Ha ha there were a ton of fireworks and they definantly went all night. Not just starting at midnight and ending at 1am but ya, from like 7pm to 7am there were some type of firecrackers going off all the time. It was awesome. Ha ha it actually was really fun. 

So this week was great! We met a bunch of new people and we were able to be witnesses of many miracles. For the past few Sunday's we have had hardly any investigators come to church for a variety of different crazy reasons and we've had many things not work out. But yesterday my testimony of fasting and asking for specific blessings has been strengthened. As I was fasting, I really asked Heavenly Father to please help our investigators come to church. Then on Sunday we witnessed the miracles! One of our investigators who has been taught for over a year by the missionaries, and comes to church often, but not on a regular basis was suppossed to be baptized this past Saturday. But b/c of his inconsistancy it didn't work out. Yesterday he came to church! And as it was fast and testimony meeting and anyone can go and bear their testimony if they want, Brother Arvin went up to the front to bear his testimony! He's not even a member and he went up to the front to share how he feels about the church, and to share his beliefs. Anyway, he went up to the front and basically was the answer to my prayers. Brother Arvin stood up and said thank you to us for our persistence. He said thank you for coming over persistently even if he isn't home, etc. He told us all how he knows that this is the only true church on earth. he apologized that it has been a long time that he has constantly told us he's not ready to be baptized. for whatever it was, he never felt ready. But then in front of everyone he said, "Sister Davidson, I want to tell you that now I'm ready. I don't know why I wasn't ready before, but I'm ready now to become a member of this church. When can I be baptized?" I was just smiling and couldn't wipe the smile from off my face. Ha ha it was awesome! I wish I could have said, "right now!" but he has to do some more things before he will be baptized. But what a miracle I was able to witness! Brother Arvin-telling us he is now, finally, ready is he to be baptized. and then asking us when he can be baptized. What.a.miracle. Ha ha seriously, Brother Arvin has been a long-time investigator and now is the time. I'm so excited!!! And ah m

an I pray that I'm not transferred so that I can witness when he gets baptized. It was so great. What a great way to start 2014. I'm pumped for the rest of the year. 

I know there are no accidents in the Lord's plan for His children. I know that everything happens for a reason. I'm incredibly grateful for the fact that our Heavenly Father knows each of us one by one. He does things on a one-by-one basis. He knows each of us. He knows each of our struggles, He knows each of our strengths. He knows the desires of our hearts, and when we pray and ask specific questions, blessings, etc. He gives us specific answers. 

I love being a missionary.

I love you all and hope you're having a great time together! Love you!! Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson 


1. We had a delicious dinner with the Giray family and Brother Giray and my favorite food is watermelon! I'm happy to say we successfully ate an entire watermelon. And we got really full.

2. It was delicious. And I love the Giray family.

3. Sister Tupua and I for New Year's! 

4. Trying to capture the fireworks... not really succeeding. 

5. And then my camera broke while I was trying to take a picture of NUTELLA!!! 
Ya that was delicious. :)

That's it for pictures b/c my camera really did break.I don't know how it broke either b/c the I didn't drop it, and the video on it works just fine, just taking pictures doesn't work. I don't know what is wrong with it, but I'll get it looked at later today and hopefully it will be an easy fix. If not, if you want to put some money into my account so I can buy a new camera for myself for my birthday-I'm up for that! But anyway. I love you all sooo much! Hope you had a great new years and have some good goals for 2014! 

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