Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Temple Pictures

Thank you for the package!!!!!

1. i made a Christmas tree and then put our Christmas gifts under it! thanks for the package! I was sups excited!

2. sups excited. p.s. isn't my hair getting super long!? 

3. Ya the Young Women of the 9th ward are the best! Those balloons were soooo cute! please tell them thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

4. BOOM!!!! Oreo's with peanut butter filling!? what the, I'm excited! still haven't opened them yet as I'm enjoying each gift to the fullest. and right now i'm working on the animal crackers :)

5. yep most definantly i am loving the animal crackers. they seriously are my favorite!!! 

6. best package ever!!! thank you!!!!

 1. for dinner we had bbq at a member's house! it was great!

2. bbq in december. yep that's the best. This is Sister White by the way. She's awesome and married to an American. funny her last name is White ha ha

3. enjoying our dinner!

4. Ya! Go Christmas!!!! 

yep go Christmas! I love you all so much! hope you enjoyed your Christmas! and hope you enjoy your new years!!! 

go jumping shots! go "i'm still single" shots! 

 1. yep totally allowed to walk outside in white and take pictures. 

2. The Solonga family and other members of the ward who were there to support!

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