Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 27, 2013


Thank you so much for the emails and also the birthday wishes!!!! I'm excited to spend my birthday here on the mission! It's going to be great! 

This past week was awesome! Brother Arjay was baptized! Ha ha it was a good baptism, as they are all great, and Brother Arjay was sporting a white shirt AND tie for his first Sunday as a member. It was great. Brother Arjay was a referral from his friend and he has seen a big change in his life because of the gospel. Bro. Arjay was into a lot of drinking and what not before, but then through watching the example of his less active friend (Bro Bruce) come back to church, and then through being taught by the missionaries his life has been turned around. It's great. The gospel is true. When we draw closer to Christ we're happy.

This week I also had my first exchanges with Sister Avancana! It was super fun! I went to her area and was with her all day and I learned a lot. It was fun to meet a lot of new people and be able to teach the gospel with Sis. Avancena. The gospel is the same no matter where you are, or which missionaries are teaching the gospel. That's the best part of the gospel-it's Christ's gospel! 

This week I also had a great experience with finding answers through the Book of Mormon. I was super nervous for my first exchanges as I was the one to be evaluating, teaching, etc but Sister Avancana is older than me in the mission. I felt super nervous. But anyway, I prayed to know what to do, what I should say, etc. and as I was reading the Book of Mormon, the answer came to my mind through the Holy Ghost in a perfect and clear way I can't describe. I know the Book of Mormon answers every question we have if we will pray and read looking for the answer. It's there. I love the Book of Mormon!

That's all folks! Sorry this week is short. I had to do a bunch of reporting earlier that killed my time on the computer. But know that I love you! I pray for you everyday and I hope you're doing those things that will bring you closer to Christ!

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)


P.S. DAD!!!!! My debit card was rejected here in Cabanatua, Neuva Jucia! So I was unable to pull out any money to buy a new camera. So still no camera... I'll try later today again, but will you check with the bank and make sure they still remember that I'm in the Philippines even if I'm in a different proviance than Tarlac? Like I know you're super busy with moving and what not and I'm sorry this is a pain for you. But ya.... my debit card was rejected and I promise I still know the right pin number and etc. 

1. Great advertisment we saw. Ha ha the Church is true and people know where the Mormon church is!

2. Brother Arjay was baptized by Bishop Dante! Brother Arjay is the younger one.

3. We did some proselyting to this good caribou! She redily accepted the Book of Mormon.

4. And then boom!!! Sister Cari Bou was baptized!!!!  

That's all for pictures. I'm still video'ing and it's still fun. But hopefully later today I can withdraw some money and buy a camera!! love you all!!! 

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