Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 13, 2014



Haha loooved all of them thank you thank you thank you!! okay what the-Linc is getting so big! It's adorable! That is so fun you all got to spend so much time together! Ah I loved hearing about it all-thanks!

So fun news, my camera is still broken which is a bummer which means no pictures this week. But cool thing-my video camera works perfectly so I video-d my whole week which turned out to be hilarious! I want to video camera more things b/c so many funny things happen when I just video short segmanants of what I'm doing. But more fun news-I left my camera at home which means I can't send you anything this week. Sorry. Next week it'll be grand though.

This week was awesome!!! I love everyday of my life. It's awesome. 

We had one of our less-active who just returned back to full activity Tatay's tell us about his coming completely back. He happily told us that next next week he will be giving a talk in Sacrament meeting, wearing a white shirt and tie, and be partaking of the Sacrament for the first time in years and years! He has been working on returning fully with our Branch President and he was sooo happy to tell us about his experience with the power of the Atonement. He never went into details but simply seeing the joy on his face of what the Atonement has done for him-was really neat. The power of the Atonement-it is amazing. The Atonement truly does heal all that is wrong, unfair, hard, or whatever in life. The Atonement has the power to heal everything. It's amazing and it is an amazing evidence of the love our Savior Jesus Christ has for us, and the love that our Heavenly Father has for each of us. 

We also had a great experience giving the less-active Rubio family a temple goal date for May of this year. They are on their way to returning to full activity in the church and we gave them the goal date of May 2014 for their family to be sealed for time and all eternity. We were sharing our experience of watching the Solonga family being sealed inside the temple and the wonderful Spirit that we felt and everything just worked out perfectly. The Spirit was the one teaching that lesson and that is when things are powerful. It was amazing. We are super excited for the Rubio family and we truly see the desire they have to be sealed to one another for forever. 

I love being an instrument in the Lord's hands.What an amazing privilege He has given me.I love the power of the Spirit and I love helping create the environment in people's lives where the can feel that power. I love testifying to so many people all day about the love that Jesus Christ has for them. I love testifying of the love that Heavenly Father has for each one of them. It truly is amazing.

I love each of you so much! Thank you each of you so much for your incredibly kind examples to me. Thank you for doing so much good where you are at. Thank you for your continuous love and support to me.I love you! And I know that our Savior Jesus Christ and our Eternal Heavenly Father love each of you as well!

Mahal ko kayo!

-Sister Davidson :)


Jokes. ha ha got you. :)  

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